26 to 28 October | PUC-RS (Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) + Online

The Network for the Study of Fascisms, Authoritarianisms, Totalitarianisms and Transitions to Democracy (REFAT), co-founded by CEIS20 researcher Luís Reis Torgal and two other historians, will hold a colloquium on “Histories and Memories of Fascisms in Times of Crisis. Euro-American perspectives from Brazil, Italy, Portugal and Spain”.

The Portuguese REFAT centre will be represented by CEIS20 researchers Alberto Peña Rodriguez, Alexandre Gossn, António Rafael Amaro and João Paulo Avelãs Nunes, together with Luís Reis Torgal.

Programme - Tables

26 October

10:30 to 12:10 (GMT-3)
António Rafael Amaro
O Poder das Finanças na solução política ditatorial encontrada em Portugal para a crise do Estado liberal e o regresso das soluções do 'Mago das Finanças' Oliveira Salazar no discurso político das contas certas no atual regime democrático português (The power of finance in the dictatorial political solution found in Portugal for the crisis of the liberal state and the return of the solutions of the ‘financial magician’ Oliveira Salazar in the political discourse on accurate accounts in contemporary Portuguese democracy)

17:00 to 18:20 (GMT-3)
Alberto Peña Rodriguez
“'Que em nenhum lar espanhol falte o pão e o lume'. História, memória e propaganda da Falange Espanhola em Portugal (1936-1939)." (Let no Spanish home be without bread and fire’. History, memory and propaganda of the Spanish Falange in Portugal (1936-1939))

27 October

14:30 to 15:50 (GMT-3)
Luís Reis Torgal
Crise, fim e sobrevivência dos sistemas autoritários. O caso português. (Crisis, end and survival of authoritarian systems. The Portuguese case.)

17:00 to 18:20 (GMT-3)
João Paulo Avelãs Nunes
Condicionalismos favoráveis à afirmação de soluções políticas populistas e autoritárias ou ditatoriais e tipologias de regimes políticos (Conditions favourable to the affirmation of populist, authoritarian or dictatorial political solutions and types of political regimes.)

Programme - Communications

28 October

08:30 to 12:10 (GMT-3)
Alexandre dos Santos Gossn
Democracia, Comunicação & Populismo no Séc. XXI: O Risco da Falsa Simetria no Debate Público na Mídia Tradicional (Democracy, Communication & Populism in the 21st Century: The Risk of False Symmetry in Public Debate in Traditional Media.)

For more information, see the Colloquium website or the REFAT website.