12 December | 17:00 | Online

2023 and 2024 mark the 50th and 20th anniversaries of the first enlargement of the European Communities and the star of the Enlargement of the EU eastwards, respectively. Further enlargements took place between these two dates, which, while extending the geographical area of the EEC/EY and thus the territory of the Single Market, also required institutional and political changes in the process of European integration. This has created a clear momentum for political deepening, although not always in a way that best reflects the need to respond to the new issues raised by the increased number and diversity of the Member States.

Organised in partnership with CEIS20, between December 2023 and May 2024, the EnlargEU Webinars: reflecting on the past, envisioning the future aim to create a space for comprehensive reflection on the process of the various enlargements we have witnessed over the last 50 years and their impact on the process of European integration, culminating in a debate on the future of European Union enlargement.

The first webinar of the series EnlargEU: reflecting on the past, envisioning the future” aims to reflect on the implications of the first EEC/EU enlargement, particularly in terms of the expansion of its geographical space and, consequently, the political, economic and social transformations of the European integration process, in a complex combination of implications with important consequences for the dynamics of disintegration, of which Brexit is the most obvious example.

This webinar will take place on 12 December 2023 at 17:00 (GMT).
Admission is free and no prior registration is required.
Click here to access the Zoom session or use the ID 984 0673 3165 and password 325473.

This initiative is organised by Dina Sebastião (Group 2 – Europeanism, Atlanticity and Globalisation), an integrated researcher and member of the Scientific Coordination of CEIS20, and Vanda Amaro Dias (DHEEAA-FLUC, CES).