Between 28 and 31 March | Various venues, FLUC

This activity, co-organised by CEIS20 and its partner project LIPA – Laboratório de Investigação e Práticas Artísticas, focuses on the theme of cinema, with three open lectures taking place in-person at the end of March.

Rafał Syska is a Polish film historian and Associate Professor in the Department of Audiovisual Arts at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. He specialises in the representation of violence in cinema and strategies of authorship in American cinema. He is currently researching contemporary minimalist slow cinema, especially its neo-modernist tendencies (e.g. in the works of Theo Angelopoulos, Alexander Sokurov, Béla Tarr, Bruno Dumont, Sharunas Bartas, Fred Kelemen, Tsai Ming-liang, Lisandro Alonso and Carlos Reygadas). He was co-founder and vice-director of the Etiuda & Anima International Film Festival in Krakow. He was a fellow of the Kosciuszko Foundation, the Stanislaw Estreicher Foundation, and the Foundation for Polish Science, and in 2012 was a visiting researcher at Columbia University, New York.

See full details below.


