27 September | Keynes Room, FEUC

A conference entitled The Portuguese Economy and the 1973 Crisis will be held on 27 September at FEUC. The opening speech will be given by Álvaro Garrido, CEIS20 integrated researcher (Group 1 – History, Memory and Public Policies) and Director of FEUC. António Rafael Amaro, CEIS20 integrated researcher (Group 1 – History, Memory and Public Policies) will present the paper Do ‘Estado Social’ corporativo marcelista ao Estado-Providência democrático: a desconstrução do mito da(s) continuidade(s) (From the Marcelist corporative ‘social state’ to the democratic welfare state: debunking the myth(s) of continuity).

Find out more here.

The Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC) was founded on 2 December 1972, at a time of shocks and crises in the international political economy, heralding the end of the so-called “Glorious Thirty” – the three decades of economic growth that followed the Second World War. FEUC was founded on the eve of 1974, a time of great hope for a democratised national political economy. Bringing together a diverse group of researchers who have studied this period from different scales and angles, this conference aims to discuss the origins, dynamics and consequences of a global year with profound national ramifications.

Organisation: FEUC Centre for Economic and Social History and Portuguese Association of Political Economy