In order to promote the debate on the major challenges of our time, the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies – CEIS20, as a platform at the interface between science and politics, is organising the second session of the conference cycle on the subject of Portuguese defence policy: Lessons from Bosnia and the Ukrainian War. This series of conferences is part of the cooperation agreement between the National Centre for Culture and the Ministry of Defence, and aims to bring to life the Portuguese Defence Archives, using the heritage of the Institute for Strategic and International Studies (IEEI) as a point of reference.

Portugal's participation in peacekeeping operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1996 represented both a break with the policy of non-military involvement on European soil and a sign that Portugal's European integration had significant implications for its defence policy. Portugal's subsequent participation in numerous United Nations peacekeeping missions, particularly in Africa, demonstrates its commitment to international security.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine forces Portugal, like all EU countries, to seriously consider building a European defence policy.

What can be said about Portugal's participation in peace missions? What is Portugal's position in the EU debate on European defence?

"From Bosnia to the Central African Republic: what future for peace missions?" is the theme of the second session, which will take place on 1 March 2024 at 16.30 in the CEIS20 Seminar Room, with the participation of Helena Carreiras, Minister of Defence of the Portuguese Republic. The event will be opened by José Oliveira Martins, Scientific Coordinator of CEIS20, and João Luís Fernandes, Coordinator of Group 2 - Europeanism, Atlanticism and Globalisation, and will be moderated by Isabel Valente, CEIS20 integrated researcher.

Admission is free.

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