September 6th to 8th | FEUC | Open for applications

The University of Coimbra hosts the IV International Congress – XVIII Agrarian History Congress and the XI Rural Report Meeting on the 6th to 8th of September 2023. As in previous years, the organization is the responsibility of Rural Report – Rural History Network in Portuguese and SEHA – Sociedad de Estudios de Historia Agraria –, which is joined, as an organizing entity, by CEIS20, through the research group Paisagens em change. Long term laboratory. The congress will take place at the facilities of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra and will also have the support of the Center for the History of Society and Culture of the University of Coimbra and the Municipality of Coimbra.

Registration for participants is open until June 21st.

Find out more information by visiting the Congress website.