21 and 22 November, Ponta Delgada

Exploring the concept of ‘property’ and the role assigned to it by the modern liberal project: this is the main objective of the International Colloquium “Challenges to the Liberal Paradigm: The Question of the Right to Ownership”.

On 21 and 22 November, participants can look forward to round table discussions on the multiple dimensions of property rights, both social and political, and cultural and economic.

The speakers at the meeting are aware that the profound crisis affecting the current model of social and political order requires the questioning of the property dimension on which it is based, but they will not waste time discussing the application of more or less severe measures, or more or less distribution of property. They will focus on the redesign of the model of order to which modernity has accustomed us. In other words, to replace the modern idea of property and the consequent ideas of the state and the citizen.


21 November

09:30 | Formal inaugural sitting

10:00 | Opening conference

  • “Ownership, freedom and solidarity” (João Bosco Mota Amaral)

11:00 | Panel 1

  • "Authorship and ownership in scenic dance: the body in question” (Ana Beatriz Cerbino)
  • “Authorship and its relation to the mode of production” (Leandro Mendonça)

Moderator: Luís Andrade

12:00 | Debate

14:00 | Panel 2

  • “‘From working the land to the land for those who work it’: the transformation of land ownership in the Alentejo in the midst of the ongoing revolutionary process” (1974-1976)" (Mónica Piccolo)
  • “Capitalism, Keynesianism, Structuralism and the Limits of Property Rights” (João Paulo Avelãs Nunes)
  • “Territorial boundaries and property rights on the borders of the North of Rio de Janeiro (Campos dos Goytacazes, 18th-19th centuries)” (Marina Machado)

Moderator: Susana Serpa Silva

15h00 | Debate

15:30 | Panel 3

  • “The distribution of property in the Rawlsian perspective of a fair society” (Jorge Ferreira)
  • “The question of property in the Portuguese colonisation of Africa. The case of Northern Angola” (Fernando Pimenta)
  • “Property Damage in the Province of Maranhão and the Work of the Brazilian-Portuguese Joint Commission” (Marcelo Cheche Galves)

Moderator: Berta Pimentel

16:45 | Debate

22 November

09:30 | Round Table 1 – “The right to property at stake. The socio-economic dimension”

  • Coordination: António Rochette
  • PhD students Alan Cardoso and Priscilla Piccolo, Master Nélia Vaz and Master student Hernâni Costa

11:00 | Round Table 2 – “The right to property at stake. The political-institutional dimension”

  • Coordination: Carlos E. Pacheco Amaral
  • PhD students Leonardo Chaves and Werbeth Belo and Master students Arlindo Mano and Norberto Botelho

14:30 | Panel 4

  • “Copyright, big data and artificial intelligence” (Allan Rocha)
  • “Mapping the Greek-Roman material heritage of reference in the city of São Luís (Maranhão / Brazil) and Lisbon (Portugal)" (Ana Bomfim)
  • “Authorship and the body in transit: gestures of creation in Cao Guimarães” (Lais Lara)

Moderator: Miguel Rocha

15:30 | Debate

16:00 | Closing conference

  • “ Carlota’s waters: rights and property in 19th century Portugal” (Márcia Motta)

The regional autonomy of the Azores itself is no stranger to this debate.

The project is part of an international research network, PROPRIETAS.