14 February | 14:30 | Online

Guilherme Carréra (Federal University of Rio Janeiro) is this month’s guest at the Keynote Series of the Doctorate in Contemporary Studies, part of the Axes of Interdisciplinary Knowledge. Carréra will give a talk on “A estética da ruína no cinema brasileiro contemporâneo" (The aesthetics of ruin in contemporary Brazilian cinema”.

The session will be held online via Zoom.

The paper “The Aesthetics of Ruin in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema” aims to present the research that led to the monograph “Brazilian Cinema and the Aesthetics of Ruins” (Bloomsbury, 2021). In the publication, the author seeks to explore the cinematic strategies used by filmmakers in the elaboration of images of ruins in the Brazilian context. Carréra argues that these images point to a failed project of modernity, marked in Brazil by the notion of underdevelopment. The cartography of ruin proposed in the book encompasses Brasília, the federal capital, Rio de Janeiro, the former capital, and the territories of the indigenous peoples.

Guilherme Carréra is PhD in Cinema from the University of Westminster (London, UK), funded by CAPES (Ministry of Education, Brazil). He is the author of “Brazilian Cinema and the Aesthetics of Ruins” (Bloomsbury, 2021), winner of the CEIS20 Best Monograph Award from the Association of Moving Image Researchers 2022 (AIM, Portugal). Since 2019, he is Associate Fellow of the Higher Education of the United Kingdom. He was a guest speaker at the 2019 and 2022 editions of Brazil Week at the University of Oxford. He is currently conducting post-doctoral research at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro on aesthetic investigations based on the fire at the National Museum, sponsored by CNPq (Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Brazil).