12 and 13 December | ISCAC

The 1st International Global Crossings Congress of the Jean Monet Chair is a scientific event designed by the Jean Monnet Chair to disseminate the research carried out as part of the Global Crossings project, as well as the interdisciplinary research carried out by various international researchers.

This research project is developed within the framework of the Jean Monnet Chair, European Union, Erasmus+, which has three main research areas: global citizenship, climate change/ecocide and transhumanity, and will be developed over three years with the aim of disseminating knowledge about the European Union in Brazil.

In this case, it is the first interdisciplinary scientific event to bring together two Jean Monet Chairs, one from Brazil and the other from Portugal, and it will be held for the first time in Coimbra.

Integrated researcher João Proença Xavier (Group 1 – History, Memory and Public Policies) is a member of the Congress Board, which also includes integrated researcher Isabel Valente (Group 2 – Europeanism, Atlanticity and Globalisation) a member of the Scientific Committee.

For more information, click on the event website.