25 June | FPCEUC

Digital and Media Literacy: from Research to Education is the theme of the final congress of the COMEDIG project, which will take place on 25 June at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra.

The aim of the COMEDIG Congress is to promote the exchange of knowledge and reflection on the challenges facing education and research at a time when digital and media literacy is considered essential for the exercise of citizenship. Pierre Fastrez (University of Leuven), Gabriela Borges (University of the Algarve), Teresa Pombo (Carlos Gargaté School Cluster / 2027 National Reading Plan) and Ignacio Aguaded Gómez (University of Huelva) will be guest speakers.

Free registration until 21 June.
For more information, see the project website.
Send any questions about the event to comedig@fpce.uc.pt.
