Given the various conflicts that are increasingly occurring in Europe, its strategic environment and the world, new clashes are emerging between the intentions of nation-states and their constituent ethnic minorities.

Issues such as the redirection of global trade and financial flows, armed conflicts across national borders, and the process of disconnection from the global Internet have all contributed to the fuelling and development of these conflicts, as have the clashes between different territories taking place both in urban areas, as in the case of the peripheral uprisings in France, and in regions far from the major centres, as in the case of the exploitation of natural resources in Canada and Brazil.

This edition of the CMEC cycle aims to understand this phenomenon a little better, drawing on experiences within the European Union, in its strategic surrounding area and in countries on other continents.


Pedro Camilo de Figueirêdo Neto (CEIS20) — "Extremofilia: categorizando a vulnerabilidade em situações extremas" (Extremophilia: categorising vulnerability in extreme situations)

Amanda Evelyn Cavalcanti de Lima (NEV/USP) — "A situação das juventudes nas periferias da França" (The situation of young people in the suburbs of France)

Pedro Allemand Mancedo Silva (PPGRI-PUC-Rio) — "Minorias, territórios transfronteiriços e o caso dos Sami nos países nórdicos" (Minorities, cross-border territories and the case of the Sami in the Nordic countries)


Fátima Velez de Castro (FLUC/CEIS20)

Scientific Coordination

João Luís Fernandes (FLUC/CEIS20, Gustavo Glodes Bloom (UNICAMP/CEIS20), Nathana Garcez Portugal (UNESP/CEIS20)

Admission is free.