8 to 11 August | UNAM, Mexico City

Under the theme “The Intercultural Challenge. Dialogue and Diversity”, this congress will include a panel discussion led by collaborating research Daniel Florence Giesbrecht, a member of CEIS20 Group 1 – History, Memory and Public Policies, entitled “The limits of Anthropology: impact of social Darwinism and eugenics on proposals for social engineering between the end of the 19th century and the middle of the 20th century”.

The panel will include the following presentations by CEIS20 researchers:

  • A crença na inferioridade moral e intelectual das crianças pobres em Portugal (The belief in the moral and intellectual inferiority of poor children in Portugal), by integrated researcher, Joana Guerra, of Group 1 – History, Memory and Public Policies;
  • Judeus e 'marranos', em Portugal, no Brasil e no Peru, na primeira metade do século XX (Jews and ‘marranos’ in Portugal, Brazil and Peru, in the first half of the 20th century), by integrated researcher João Paulo Avelãs Nunes, of Group 1 – History, Memory and Public Policies;
  • Higienismo, Eugenismo e Racismo em Portugal na primeira metade do século XX (Hygienism, eugenism and racism in Portugal in the first half of the 20th Century), by integrated researcher António Rafael Amaro, of Group 1 – History, Memory and Public Policies;
  • Divus contra Galton: o debate eugênico a partir da produção intelectual católica brasileira na década de 1930 (Divus against Galton: the eugenics debate based on Brazilian Catholic intellectual production in the 1930s), by researcher Daniel Florence Giesbrecht.

Find out more on the AIBR 2023 website.