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Kelly Lameiro

Kelly Lameiro

Associate professor at School of Nutrition, Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil, since 2009 working on undergraduate courses of Nutrition and Gastronomy. Previously (2004-2009), Professor of Nutrition at University of Caxias do Sul and Gastronomy Course at the ICIF-UCS School of Gastronomy, Brazil.

Bachelor's degree in Nutrition (1999), Master's degree (2002) and PhD (2010) in Food Science and Technology (Federal University of Pelotas). Post-doctorate at University of Surrey (United Kingdom, 2016-2017). Experience in areas of Dietetic, food safety and behavioral studies in relation to food handling and consumption, using the theory of planned behavior.

Currently focusing on studies and investigation of dietary patterns in Brazilian literature, and studies about the importance of food in the process of cultural, social and economic formation in the identity of a population.

Publicações selecionadas

Neves, C.P., Eves, A., Souza, A.C.L.G., Martins Filho, A.O.F., Kunzler, L., Denis, M., Mello, J.F., Rodrigues, K.L. (2022). Underlying factors influencing street food vendors: implementation of food safety behaviours. Revista Chilena de Nutrición, v. 49, p. 423-433.

Castro, L.S.B., Pacheco, D.O., Radunz, M., Helbig, E., Gularte, M.A., Zambiazi, R.C., Rodrigues, K.L., Gandra, T.K.V., Gandra, E.A. (2020). Physicochemical characterization and microbiological analysis of Oligosarcus robustus raw fish meat and development a fish hamburger. Revista Chilena de Nutrición, v. 47, p. 561-567.

Rodrigues, K.L. Eves, A., Neves, C.P., Souto, B.K., Dos Anjos, S. J.G. (2019). The role of Optimistic Bias in safe food handling behaviours in the food service sector. Food Research International, v. 1, p. 108732.

De Lima, A.G., Barum, M.T, Ramirez, R.P., Ferreira, S., Pieniz, S., Rodrigues, K.L. (2017). Acceptability, Nutritional Composition, and Protein Digestibility of Food Produced with Black Rice. Journal of Culinary Science and Technology, v. 1, p. 1-10.

Plano de investigação

The research proposal is to analyze the dietary patterns in the novel “O Tempo e o Vento” by Érico Verissimo, thinking about the dietary patterns identified as elements in the process of cultural formation in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern region of Brazil, given the importance of food and eating practices in the cultural, social and economic formation of a population. Furthermore, the investigation aims to contextualize the society portrayed in the work, as well as the identification of foods, preparations, kitchen utensils, handling and obtaining of food and their relationship with the formation of regional identity.