/ Researchers / Visiting

Cristina Romanelli

Cristina Romanelli

Cristina Romanelli is a PhD candidate in communication and sociology at the University of Lille (GERiiCO laboratory) since 2021 and a lecturer in communication sciences at the same institution. Her research project aims to investigate public policies that promote a more plant-based diet among young adults in higher education institutions. Also in France, she has previously participated in research projects on the conservation of local breeds of farm animals (project H2020 IMAGE - Innovative Management of Animal Genetic Resources), on food vulnerability of university students (project VALETUD), and on food insecurity and vulnerability in the Euroregion of Ghent, Kent and Lille (FoodIVE project).

She has a certificate of advanced studies in sociology from the OpenSoc inter-university doctoral program (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2021) and master's degrees in Social Sciences Applied to Food Studies (Toulouse Jean-Jaurès University, 2018-2019) and in Anthropology (University of Strasbourg , 2016-2018).

She has also worked in journalism and in business communication for five years, after completing her degree in social communication (PUC Rio de Janeiro, 2010).

Publicações selecionadas

De la Broise, P., De Iulio, S., & Romanelli, C. (por publicar, 2023), "La vulnérabilité alimentaire des étudiants au prisme de l’alimentation : le cas de l’Université de Lille". In: S. De Iulio, & S. Kovacs (org.). Vulnérabilité, alimentation, jeunesse. Lille: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.

Romanelli, C. (2022), Agir avec sa fourchette ? Pour une alimentation plus éthique, de et pour les étudiant.es dans l'enseignement supérieur, Journée Alimentation et Agir Citoyen, Université de Lille, Maison Européenne des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société, Lille.

Romanelli, C. (2021), More peas, less meat : plant-based food policy at universities in France and Portugal, Congresso da Société Internationale d’Ethnologie et de Folklore (França).

De Iulio, S., Romanelli, C. (2020), Food Sustainability on University Campuses: Social responsibility of the University of Lille (France) in dealing with student’s food vulnerability, UNESCO Congress on Gastronomy, Sustainability and Development, 41 International Conference of the International Commission on the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition, Universidade de Caceres (Espanha). https://youtube.com/channel/UC5RK7qNX3iSAJUYrXacVzxw

Plano de investigação

Cristina Romanelli will be at the Center for Classical and Humanistic Studies at the University of Coimbra for six weeks (October-November 2022) with funding from the Utrecht Network Young Investigators grant and under the tutelage of Professor Paula Barata Dias. She will deliver a paper at the 8th DIAITA Luso-Brazilian Colloquium on the History and Cultures of Food and carry out part of the fieldwork in the canteens of the University of Coimbra for the thesis entitled "Reformer l'alimentation par le végétal: le cas des politiques publiques dans les universités en France et au Portugal" (Reforming plant-based diets: the case of public policies at universities in France and Portugal).

This visit will also be essential for his integration into the group of researchers in food cultures, for his participation in the doctoral seminars "Food Heritage: Cultures and Identities" and the master's degree "Food: sources, culture and society", as well as for the beginning of reflections on collaborations between France and Portugal.