

Born in Porto in 1969 and has a degree in History, variant of Archaeology from the University of Coimbra. Master in Urban Archaeology, PhD in Archaeology, Technology and Materials at University of Minho.

He was Professor at Minho University and is currently an Associate Professor with Aggregation at the Faculty of Arts, University of Porto.

Among is research, he has dedicated special attention to the study of trade in antiquity, with numerous published works, individually or with other national and foreign authors. He was consultant of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation for the antiquities.

He is member of the Scientific Committee of IBERIA GRAEGA Project and Honorific Professor at University Complutense, Madrid.

He is the Scientific Coordination of the monographic series Classica Instrumenta at Coimbra University.


Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies

Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Coimbra
