/ Researchers / Integrated Researchers / Joaquim Pinheiro


Recent Lectures & Seminars



"The dialogue between medicine and philosophy in Plutarch and Galen", at the Congress Hippocrates among the barbarians. Construcción de identidades y alteridad en el mundo antiguo, at the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Valencia (invited by the person in charge of the project, Dr César Sierra Matrín).

26 - 29/10/2022

"Notes on the translation options of J. Camerário (ed. 1570) to the Progymnasmata of Aftónio", in Seminario Internacional La enseñanza retórica en el Humanismo: de los manuales a la práctica en el aula, Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria.


"The concept of diaita in Plutarch's Roman Lives", Coimbra Red Meeting Plutarch on Diaita: well-being, conviviality, feeding, anf environment.