• 2021-2022

Coordenação da Organização do VII Congresso Ibero-Americano sobre o Pensamento de Paul Ricoeur, “Ricoeur e os Clássicos” (Coimbra, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra, 14, 15 e 16 de Setembro de 2022)

Coorganização do 3º Workshop Internacional do Working Group 3: Concepts da COST Action CA 16211 (RECAST), Reconceptualizing the State of Exception and its Challenges to Democracy and Rights in Europe, (org. Gonçalo Marcelo, Hanna-Mari Kivistö) (7-8 de Junho de 2021)

Membro da Comissão Organizadora do Fórum “O Futuro das Humanidades”, fórum de jovens investigadores associado à CEH – Conferência Europeia das Humanidades (org. CIPSH, FCT, UNESCO e Presidência Portuguesa do Conselho da União Europeia) (4 de Maio de 2021)

• 2019-2020

Coorganização do 2º Workshop Internacional do Working Group 3: Concepts da COST Action CA 16211 (RECAST), Migration, Rights and Democracy: Conceptual Reappraisals (org. Gonçalo Marcelo, Hanna-Mari Kivistö, Gabriella Silvestrini) (15-16 de Junho de 2020)

Membro da Comissão Organizadora do 3º Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Economia Política: Espaço, Tempo e Economia Política (org. AP EcPol), Católica Porto Business School e Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto (30 janeiro-1 fevereiro de 2020)

Coorganização da 8ª Conferência do Ciclo de Conferências Ética, Economia e Sociedade – Habitar a Terra: como pensar a urgência ecológica em Portugal? (org. Conceição Soares, Gonçalo Marcelo) com Helena Freitas e Martinho Soares, Católica Porto Business School (10 de Outubro de 2019)

Coorganização do Seminário Ibérico de Filosofia Grega, Recursos Literários no Texto Filosófico (org. Carmen Soares, Maria do Céu Zambujo Fialho, Gonçalo Marcelo e Francesc Casadesús Bordoy), Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra (30 de Setembro de 2019)

Membro do Comité Organizador da Conferência Internacional Basic Income as a Tool for a Social Europe (org. Álvaro Vasconcelos, Roberto Merrill, Fátima Vieira, Gonçalo Marcelo, João Sérgio Ribeiro), (Braga, Universidade do Minho) (24-25 de Janeiro de 2019)

• 2015-2018

Membro do Comité Organizador do Workshop Internacional Reconceptualizing Civic Rights and Democracy (org. Gonçalo Marcelo e Hanna-Mari Kivistö). (Coimbra, Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos da Universidade de Coimbra) (2-3 de Novembro de 2018)

Coorganização do Workshop Internacional “Democracy, Technocracy and the Role of Citizens” (org. Lenka Stradnová e Gonçalo Marcelo) no âmbito da conferência internacional MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory, Manchester Centre for Political Theory, University of Manchester, Manchester, Reino Unido. (10-12 de Setembro de 2018)

Membro da Comissão Organizadora do 17º Congresso Internacional Basic Income Earth Network: Implementing a Basic Income (org. Roberto Merrill et. al.), keynote speakers: Evelyn L. Forget, Elizabeth Rhodes, Sara Bizarro, Louise Haagh, Ingrid Robeyns, Philippe van Parijs, Joe Huston, Jurgen de Wispelaere, Guy Standing, cerca de 150 participantes. Assembleia da República e Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, Lisboa, Portugal. (25 a 27 de Setembro de 2017).

Membro do Comité Organizador da 1ª Conferência Ética, Economia e Sociedade – O Rendimento Básico Incondicional (Org. Gonçalo Marcelo, Conceição Soares, Marisa Tavares Roberto Merrill), com a participação de João Cardoso Rosas, Nuno Ornelas Martins, Gonçalo Marcelo, Roberto Merrill, Martim Avillez Figueiredo, Jorge Silva (Porto, Católica Porto Business School) (2 de Junho de 2016)

Membro do Comité Organizador do Congresso Internacional Life Stories – International Congress on Narrative Social Sciences (Org. Gonçalo Marcelo, Marta Ceia, Maria Helena Jesus, Martinho Soares, Paulo Jesus), (Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa) (1, 2, 3 e 4 de Setembro de 2015)


• New Directions in Social Hermeneutics Conference Cycle

(main organiser, online) (2023-2024)

  • 6th Session - "Hermeneutical Injustice", with Matthew Congdon (Vanderbilt University) (18 December 2023)
  • 5th Session - "Kant's Social Hermeneutics", with Nuria Sanchéz Madrid (Complutense University of Madrid) and Paulo Jesus (University of Lisbon) (29th November 2023)
  • 4th Session - "Ideology, Utopia and Social Pathologies", with Arto Laitinen (Tampere University) and George H. Taylor (University of Pittsburgh) (25th September 2023)
  • 3rd Session - "New Applications: Architecture and the Environment" with Diogo Ferrer, Luís Umbelino and Martinho Soares (CECH, Univ. of Coimbra) (19th July 2023)
  • 2nd Session - "The Tradition of Social Hermeneutics" Gonçalo Marcelo (CECH, Univ. of Coimbra) and Vinicio Busacchi (Univ. Cagliari) (16th June 2023)
  • 1st Session - Conference by Johann Michel (University of Poitiers / EHESS) - "Le social comme texte et comme acte" and Round Table on Johann Michel's book, Homo Interpretans, with Johann Michel, Paulo Jesus and Gonçalo Marcelo (18 April 2023)

• Permanent Seminar Critical History of Reason from Antiquity to Contemporaneity

(org. Gonçalo Marcelo, Maria Luísa Portocarrero, Diogo Ferrer, Faculty of Letters, University of Coimbra) (2015-Present)

  • Conference by Benedetta Bisol (University of Brasilia) - "The Spherical Education. Friedrich Fröbel's Pedagogical Proposal" (9 March 2023)
  • Open lecture by Patrícia Lavelle (PUC-Rio), "Metaphor and Similarity. An affinity between Benjamin and Ricoeur" (9 February 2023)
  • Session "Technique and Post-History: around Vilém Flusser" with lectures by Bruno Lemos Hinrichsen "The gesture of 'groping for keys' in Vilém Flusser as a consequence of the essence of modern Heideggerian technique" and Pedro Hussak "Post-history and processes of transmission: Vilém Flusser interpreting Brazil" (9 December 2022)
  • Session "Sur l'épistémologie des sciences humaines et sociales" with two lectures by Vinicio Busacchi (Université de Cagliari): "Sur l'epistémologie des sciences humaines et sociales I: la perspective de Paul Ricœur" and "Sur l'epistémologie des sciences humaines et sociales II: la perspective de Emilio Betti" and round table discussion, (20 May 2022)
  • Session "Limits and Boundaries of Reason" with lectures by José Beato "Paradox, mystery and intuition: limits of the thinkable in Vladimir Jankélévitch" and Leonardo Tavares "On the Formal Types of Culture and Historical Teleology in Edmund Husserl" (27 April 2022)
  • Session "Rethinking Utopia" with lectures by Benedetta Bisol, "The Image in Philosophy Teaching: The Frontispiece of Utopia" and João Emanuel Diogo, "All Topos is Utopos: Rethinking Utopias" (6 December 2021)
  • Conference "The Humanities and the Formation of the Human" with the participation of Martinho Soares, Maria Luísa Portocarrero, André Barata and Gonçalo Marcelo (26 November 2021)
  • Open lecture by Inês Salgueiro, "Environmental Ethics as a duty towards us" and commentary by Martinho Soares (3 November 2021)
  • Conference "Kant, Reason and Criticism", with the participation of Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos, Viriato Soromenho Marques, Diogo Ferrer and João Lemos (20 December 2019)
  • Conference Reason today: interdisciplinary perspectives (22 November 2018)
  • 10th session, Gonçalo Marcelo - "Critique of Reason and Philosophy of Finitude" (28 May 2018)
  • 9th session, Marcela Uchoa - "Hannah Arendt: Justice, Reason and Politics in the Trials of Socrates and Eichmann" (15 March 2018)
  • 8th session, Rodolfo Lopes - "Plato's Republic as a Tragedy of Political Rationality" (15 January 2018)
  • 7th session, Rui Esteves - "Marcuse, Marx and Hegel. Reason, Alienation and Ideology" (12 December 2017)
  • 6th session, Victor Gonçalves - "Heidegger, Deleuze and the historicity of reason" (30 November 2017)
  • 5th session, Gonçalo Marcelo - "Ricoeur and the philosophical task of a critique of reason" (17th May 2017)
  • 4th session, Adelaide Gregório Fins - "The ethical-political dimension of emancipatory reason. The theories of education of Erasmus, Kant and the French Enlightenment" (18 March 2016)
  • 3rd session, Gonçalo Marcelo - "Rationality and Irrationality. Sophocles' King Oedipus read by Hegel, Freud and Ricoeur" (22 February 2016)
  • 2nd session, Kees Meerhoff - "L'éducation humaniste: la raison dans le discours" (27 November 2015)
  • 1st session of the Permanent Seminar Critical History of Reason from Antiquity to Contemporaneity "Claude Romano and the Critique of Reason - Conference by Claude Romano with introduction and commentary by Gonçalo Marcelo) (23 October 2015)

• Capitalism in Question Conference Cycle

(org. Núcleo d Região Norte EcPol / CEGE-UCP / ISSSP, on-line) (2021-Present)

  • 8th Session - "Capitalism and Central Banks: what dependencies?", with lecture by Adriano do Vale and Commentary by Paulo Mota (6th December 2023)
  • 7th Session - "Capitalism and Housing", with lecture by Gonçalo Pessa Costa and Commentary by Ana Cordeiro Santos (9th November 2022)
  • 6th Session: "Capitalism and the Idea of Socialism", with a talk by Pedro Teixeira and commentary by Nuno Ornelas Martins (8th June 2022)
  • 5th Session: "Systemic Inequalities in Capitalism and the Hypothesis of an Unconditional Basic Income", with lecture by João Moreira de Campos and Commentary by Catarina Neves (20th April 2022)
  • 4th Session: "Capitalism and Innovation", with a talk by Ivan Peyré Tartaruga and commentary by Luís Carvalho (2nd February 2022)
  • 3rd Session: "Capitalism and Work", with a talk by Amarílis Felizes and commentary by Manuel Castelo Branco (30 November 2021)
  • 2nd Session: "Capitalism and Happiness", with a talk by Gabriel Leite Mota and commentary by Maria Conceição Silva (29 September 2021)
  • 1st Session: "Environmental Crisis and Ecological Alternatives", with a talk by Jorge Pinto and commentary by Inês Cosme (14th July 2021)

• How to Talk to People Who Don't Want to Listen - beyond polarisation and disinformation

(org. Gonçalo Marcelo, Pedro Matos Pereira and Ana Sánchez, Seminar of Young Scientists of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences /ITQB-NOVA, CECH-UC, online) (2021-2022)

  • Closing Session: Open debate with the participation of Ana Delicado, Jorge Soares, Inês Narciso, Joana Gonçalves de Sá, João Bettencourt Relvas, Manuela Chaves, Mara Freitas, Michel Renaud, Nelson Ferreira and Renato Janine Ribeiro (11 July 2022)
  • Session 6: "The Effects of Disinformation and How to Counteract Them", with talks by Marta Moreira Marques and Joana Gonçalves de Sá (16 May 2022)
  • Session 5: "Trust in Science: Beliefs and Perceptions" with a talk by Ana Delicado (18 April 2022)
  • 4th Session: "Origins of Disinformation and Fake News", with talks by Inês Narciso and Vera Novais (14 March 2022)
  • Session 3: "Difficult Dialogue and Narrative Exchange: the Guestbook Project", with a talk by Richard Kearney (14 February 2022)
  • 2nd Session: "Science, Pseudoscience and Disinformation", with talks by David Marçal and Carlos Fiolhais (17 January 2022)
  • 1st Session: "Democracy, Science and Political Polarisation", with a conference by Renato Janine Ribeiro (17 December 2021)

• How to Talk to People Who Don't Want to Listen - beyond polarisation and disinformation

Conference Cycle A New European Utopia (Member of the Expert Group, curated by Álvaro Vasconcelos, Serralves Foundation, Porto) (May 2018 to May 2019)

  1. May 68, 50 years on: The Utopia of Equality and Participation. Speakers: Adolfo Mesquita Nunes, Inês de Medeiros, Marisa Matias and Mónica Ferro (7 May 2018);
  2. The Utopia of Information - Citizen Journalism and Social Networks. Keynote speaker: Dominique Wolton. Commentators: Paulo Moura, Sara Moreira and José Eduardo Martins (11 June 2018);
  3. Social Utopia - Unconditional Basic Income. Keynote speaker: Guy Standing. Commentators: Alan Thomas, Francisco Louçã and Martim Avillez Figueiredo (5 July 2018);
  4. The Utopia of Human Security and Peace (26 March 2019 - speakers: João Cravinho and Mary Kaldor);
  5. The Technological Utopia - Innovation at the Service of Humanity (6 February 2019 - speakers: George Gaskell and Carlos Moedas).
  6. The Utopia of Hospitality - Unity in Diversity (25 February 2019 - Speakers: Lídia Jorge and Milton Hatoum)
  7. Democratic Utopia - The Citizen Community: from Erasmus to the Future (19 November 2018) (speakers: Ana Paula Zacarias and Niccolò Milanese; commentators: Catarina Neves, Gonçalo Marcelo and José Santana Pereira)
  8. Final Conference: A New European Utopia (9 May 2019) - speakers: Fátima Vieira, Niccolò Milanese, Gonçalo Marcelo, Rui Tavares, Ana Rodrigues, Ana Luísa Amaral, Marta da Costa, Carlos Jalali, Ana Gomes, Salam Kawakibi, Álvaro Vasconcelos, Guilherme d'Oliveira Martins, Renato Janine Ribeiro)