• 2023-2024


“Negri e o Rendimento Garantido” no Seminário Ao Encontro de Antonio Negri (org. Amedeo Policante, Bruno Peixe Dias, José Neves), IHC. Lisboa, Biblioteca Nacional.


Participação na mesa redonda “Ciência, Humanidades, Universidade: Que Futuro?” na Conferência Ciência, Humanidades, Sociedade (org. Seminário de Jovens Cientistas da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa), Lisboa, Academia das Ciências de Lisboa.


“A Crítica Social na Era Digital: desafios epistémicos, sociais e políticos” no Seminário Desafios Estéticos, Políticos e Sociais na Era da Aceleração Digital (org. Pedro Hussak, Luiz Philippe de Caux e Gonçalo Marcelo), parceria UFFRJ/CECH-UC, Rio de Janeiro, Centro Municipal de Artes Hélio Oiticica.


Participação na Mesa Redonda “Há vida para lá do trabalho? A ditadura do tempo e a possibilidade de um Rendimento Básico Incondicional” no âmbito das Tardes na Academia, com André Barata (org. Seminário de Jovens Cientistas da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa), Academia das Ciências de Lisboa.


“Hermeneutical Delusions as a source of distrust” na Conferência Rethinking Policy, Expertise and Trust, no âmbito do Projeto Europeu Policy, Expertise and Trust in Action (PERITIA) (org. Maria Baghramian), University College Dublin, Dublin, Irlanda.


Participação na sessão “Cartografías filosóficas del sufrimiento: una genealogía desde la teoría crítica” no Seminário de Doutoramento Escenarios actuales de la vida dañada: cuerpos, territorio, trabajo (org. Clara Navarro Ruiz, Nuria Sánchez Madrid, Pablo López Álvarez), Universidade Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Espanha.

• 2021-2022


“Hermeneutics beyond Suspicion: meaning-making and trust in language” na Conferência Internacional Hermeneutics of Revelation (org. Thomas Schärtl-Trendel e Christina M. Gschwandtner), LMU München, financiado pela Templeton Religion Trust, no Fürstenried Castle, Munique, Alemanha.


“Weird Beliefs and Democratic Plurality: Wittgenstein, Hermeneutics and Critique” (com Susana Cadilha) no Workshop Internacional Wittgenstein and Democratic Politics II (org. Lotar Rasinski), University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Polónia.


“Hermeneutical Injustice as a Source of Epistemic Injustice” no Workshop Recognition Failures, Epistemic Injustice & Social Movements no âmbito da “Research Network the Relation between Theories of Epistemic Injustice and Recognition Theory”, Universidade de Potsdam, Potsdam, Alemanha.


Participação na Mesa Redonda “Triálogos” com Nuno Guimarães da Costa, John Crowley, Joydeep Gupta, António Louro, Manuel Eanes, David Wasieleski, Luiz Oosterbeek e Margalit Berriet”, no âmbito no VIII Apheleia International Seminar of Mação, org. Apheleia (Humanities International Association for Cultural Integrated Landscape Management”, Mação.


Participação no Workshop Recognition, Struggles for Recognition and Ideology no âmbito da “Research Network the Relation between Theories of Epistemic Injustice and Recognition Theory” (online)


“Recognition, Suspicion and Critique. Towards a Restorative Hermeneutics of Trust” no Encontro The Cultural Politics of Trust: Recognition, Institutions, Democracy (org. Nuria Sánchez Madrid e Adriana Zaharijevic), GINEDIS e PRECARITYLAB, Univ. Complutense de Madrid e Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade (online).


“Progressive Politics within the EU’s fiscal orthodoxy: lessons from the Portuguese ‘contraption’” no Workshop Liberal Democracy in Crisis? Dialectics of Politicization and Depoliticization, no âmbito da COST Action 16211 (RECAST), (org. Ana Matan, Ruzha Smilova e Meike Schmidt-Gleim), Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik, Croácia.


Participação na Sessão “Young Researchers’ Forum – Concluding remarks and debate” no âmbito da European Humanities Conference 2021 European Humanities and Beyond em representação do Youth Forum on the Future of the Humanities (org. CIPSH, UNESCO, FCT), Gulbenkian, Lisboa, Portugal.


“Herméneutique sociale” no Séminaire EHESS / Fonds Ricœur L’interprétation en acte (org. Johann Michel), Paris, França.

• 2019-2020


“Racionalidade e Dialética Hermenêutica. De Hegel a Ricœur e vice-versa”, no I Coloquio sobre el Pensamiento de Paul Ricœur (org. Esteban Lythgoe), Instituto de Filosofia Ezequiel de Olaso / CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


“Ricoeur e a Tarefa Filosófica de uma Crítica da Razão” no âmbito do Grupo de Estudo em Pesquisa e Hermenêutica de Paul Ricoeur (org. Rita Cássia de Oliveira e Vanderlei Carneiro), Universidade Federal do Piauí, Universidade Federal do Maranhão e Universidade Federal do Acre, Brasil.


“Por uma hermenêutica crítica do populismo” no Ciclo Filosofia em Casa (org. Elsio Corá), Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, Brasil.


“Transnationalizing Recognition: a new grammar for an old problem” no Workshop Internacional Recognition, Migration and Critical Theory (org. Gottfried Schweiger), Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research, University of Salzburg, Salzburgo, Áustria.


“Transnational Justice, Recognition and the Problem of Migration” na Humboldt-Kolleg International Conference To Grasp The Whole World: On the 250th Anniversary of Alexander von Humboldt (Org. Soraya Nour Sckell), Faculdade de Direito da Univ. NOVA de Lisboa, Lisboa.


“Progressive Politics within the EU’s fiscal orthodoxy: lessons from the Portuguese ‘contraption’” no Workshop New Forms of Social and Political Mobilization: Reinventing democracy and civic rights?, no âmbito da COST Action 16211 (RECAST), (org. Ruzha Smilova e Meike Schmidt-Gleim), Central European University, Budapeste, Hungria.


“Influências no pensamento político do jovem Ricoeur: Marx e o Socialismo” no Simpósio sobre Filosofia Política no âmbito do VI Congreso Iberoamericano de Estudios sobre Ricoeur (org. ASIER), Universidad de La Salle, Bogotá, Colômbia.


“La critique au-delà du soupçon: le pari du sens” no Workshop Internacional Sens et non-sens (org. Emmanuel Falque), International Network in Philosophy of Religion, Institut Catholique de Paris, Paris, França.


“The Philosophical Wager of Ricoeurian Hermeneutics” no Atelier d’été du Fonds Ricoeur “Ricoeur Lecteur de Freud” (org. Fonds Ricoeur), Paris, Institut Protestant de Théologie.


“Perspectivisme et herméneutique” no seminário internacional Figures de la dualité: comment penser "entre" les catégories? (org. Michèle Leclerc-Olive), EHESS, Paris, França.

• 2015-2018


“Democracy and Participation: the challenges of the digital public sphere and the tasks of a critical social theory” no Workshop “Democracy, Technology and the Role of Citizens” (org. Lenka Stradnová e Gonçalo Marcelo) no âmbito da conferência internacional MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory, Manchester Centre for Political Theory, University of Manchester, Manchester, Reino Unido.


“Critique des idéologies, critique des utopies” no Atelier International Repenser L’idéologie et l’utopie: 30 ans après (org. Azadeh Thiriez-Arjangi e Stephanie Riley), Fonds Ricoeur, Institut Protestant de Théologie, Paris, França.


“Immanence et Transcendance dans l’herméneutique de P. Ricoeur” no Workshop Internacional Immanence et Transcendance (org. Emmanuel Falque), International Network in Philosophy of Religion, Institut Catholique de Paris, Paris, França.


Resposta à Conferência Plenária de Richard Kearney “The Recovery of the Flesh in Ricoeur and Merleau-Ponty” no Workshop Internacional Desire and the Body (org. Sarah Horton), Boston College, Boston, E.U.A.


Participação no painel “The Future of Ricoeur Studies” (com Todd Mei, George Taylor, Cristal Huang e Johann Michel) na 10th Annual Society for Ricoeur Studies Conference (org. Todd Mei), DePaul University, Chicago, E.U.A.


“Ricoeur’s Critique of Reason” na 10th Annual Society for Ricoeur Studies Conference (org. Todd Mei), DePaul University, Chicago, E.U.A.


“Gonçalo M. Tavares, héritier de la philosophie française du corps et de l’imagination”, na Conferência Internacional La tradition de la philosophie française du corps et de la vie (org. Anne Gléonec), Institut de Philosophie de l’Académie des Sciences de la République Tchèque, Praga, República Checa.

• 2009-2014


“Narration et Subjectivation: la négociation des identités dans le cadre du capitalisme contemporain” no Colóquio Internacional Subjectivité et Identité: approches croisées, Fonds Ricoeur / Université Paris IV, Sorbonne, Paris, França.


“Paul Ricœur et l’analyse sémantique de la reconnaissance” no Congresso Paul Ricœur et la philosophie contemporaine de langue anglaise (Colloque du Centenaire de Ricœur) (Org. Johann Michel, Jean-Marc Tétaz, Olivier Abel), Fonds Ricœur, Paris, França.


Coordenação e participação em mesa redonda sobre “Paul Ricœur e a ética contemporânea” no Congreso Internacional Bioética y Hermenéutica: La ética deliberativa de Paul Ricœur (org. Tomás Moratalla), Universidad de Valência, Valência, Espanha.


“Is there a Ricoeurian Answer to the Crisis? (or how to save the capable human being from social disintegration” in Through Crisis and Conflict. Thinking differently with Paul Ricœur (org. Alberto Romele, Chiara Chinnello, Claudia Pedone), Universidade de Salento, Lecce, Itália.


“The Dialogical Self and the Plurality of Action” na Conferência Internacional Ética, Identidade e Reconhecimento (org. Fernando Nascimento), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.


“Making Sense of the Social. Hermeneutics and Social Philosophy” na Society for Ricœur Studies 2011 Fall Conference, Philadelphia, E.U.A.


“Making Sense of the Social. Hermeneutics and Social Philosophy” na Conferência Internacional New Perspectives on Hermeneutics in the Social Sciences and Practical Philosophy (org. Anna Borisenkova), Higher School of Economics, Moscovo, Rússia.


"Ricœur, Critical Theory and the Utopia of Recognition, no painel consagrado à Teoria Crítica (org. Todd Mei) no âmbito da 2010 International Society for Religion, Literature and Culture Conference, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, Reino Unido.


“From Conflict to Conciliation and Back Again: Some notes on Ricoeur’s dialectics”, in Society for Ricoeur Studies Fall Conference (Org. Dan Stiver), George Mason University, Virginia, E.U.A.


“On Becoming Object: Technological Evolution and Reification”, in CRESC Annual Conference 2009 – Objects, what matters? Technology, value and social change, University of Manchester, Inglaterra.


“Conflict and Conciliation in Paul Ricoeur’s thought: between theory and praxis”, in From Ricoeur to Action. An interdisciplinary Conference (Org. Todd Mei), University of Kent, Canterbury, Inglaterra.