/ Research / Secondary projects / Hermeneutic Rationality / FilArch / Research Projects


Architecture, future and technology

Scientific and technological developments in the last century and, more importantly, in the first decades of the 21st century, have signaled the unprecedented extent of human intervention in the environment. Many claims that a new geological era of the Anthropocene has emerged in which the human impact on the environment is extremely drastic. The new anthropotechnical era is announced and with it, the imperative of change involves a set of actions and practices that exceed simple adaptation.

What is called forth are new and catalytic opportunities for architecting the future and restoring the damaged environment. These tasks may require Human Enhancement Technologies (HETs) emerging as central to understanding the symbolic and material relationship between nature and human consciousness and activity, alongside the development of technoscience. Our exploratory line of research will consist in outlining a study hypothesis that we could call the "architecture of the future". In other words, what architecture (in a normative, social, and structural sense) would be appropriate for technologies to be developed, distributed, and applied with a view primarily to collective environmental benefits and, therefore, to the promotion of social justice. In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (2030 Agenda), the ArqTech research group aims to explore and develop the relationship between architecture, philosophy, and technics, seeking to involve other fields of knowledge that are implicated in this debate, pertaining to the tension between planetary sustainability, based on rethinking the integrity of the four primordial elements (water, fire, air, earth) and the needs of our hyper-technological society. Thinking about all these vectors in interdependence, alongside visions of the future, implies starting from this space between architecture and philosophy, and equally taking under consideration ethics, technology, and ecology. The emergence of digital media in design has incurred profound changes in the profession and practice of architecture and carries the promise of allowing complex calculations and intricate problem-solving using algorithmic applications. Architects may assume an important role in the environmental challenges that our era involves by becoming curators of a set of options from which they are summoned to select and by releasing control of the design process to software. Thus, they achieve a design that is contrary to the ethics of statics and favors a dynamic adaptation of building forms to the constantly changing demands of contemporary multicultural societies. Buildings and constructions which are not programmed to last forever but venture to incorporate techniques for obsolescence, dismantling, ruination, recycling, and abandonment through time, are eventually more environmentally sustainable. Architecture engaging with digital design incorporates factors of time and motion via transformation and deformation at the very moment of formal conception to aspire to a new one.

We invite all interested in engaging in this line of research to get in touch with us to develop ideas and projects together.

Constantino Pereira Martins

IEF – University of Coimbra
CECH - University of Coimbra

Constantinos V. Proimos

Department of Architectural Engineering, University of Patras, Hellenic Open University, Metsovion National Technical University of Athens

Diogo Mondini Pereira

Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo (FAUUSP)

João Cepeda

Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP)

João Emanuel Diogo

Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies
Institute for Philosophical Studies, Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra

Marcelo de Araujo

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Faculty of Law

Rio de Janeiro State University, Department of Philosophy

Maria Clara Marques Dias

Full Professor at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Department of Philosophy

Murilo Mariano Vilaça

GIFT-H+ - Grupo de Investigações Filosóficas sobre Transumanismo e Biomelhoramento Humano (Fiocruz/FAPERJ/CNPq)
National School of Public Heath (ENSP)
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz)

Tito Marques Palmeiro

State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Philosophy Department

Vanessa Furtado Fontana

UNIOESTE - Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná

Conference venue 2023

Architecture and Technology

Rio de janeiro, Brazil

December 6-7, 2023


Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/ Oswaldo Cruz Foundation


Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/ Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

FilArch – CECH University of Coimbra