/ Research / Secondary projects / Classics & Open Science / Activities undertaken

Conferences/workshops organized

Delfim Leão & Lorena Caliman: 23 de October 2023 (Coimbra, Rómulo): meeting “Comunidades de Ciência Aberta no Rómulo”, organized by the University of Coimbra - Department of Culture, Communication and Open Science, as part of the celebrations of the International Open Access Week [member of the Organizing Committee] [https://www.uc.pt/openscience/noticias/uc-realiza-evento-de-integracao-da-sua-comunidade-de-ciencia-aberta/]

Delfim Leão, Susana Marques & Sara Troiani: March 10, 2023 (Coimbra, FLUC): International Meeting “Teatro Antigo, receção dos clássicos e recursos digitais”, organized in the scope of the complementary projects "Classics & Open Science" and "(Re)writing Myth".

Delfim Leão & Lorena Caliman: 22 April 2021 (Coimbra, online session): workshop “Publishers and Publishing Stances: a Contribution to Multilingualism and Bibliodiversity”, promoted by the Special Interest Groups on "Multilingualism" and "Advocacy", in the framework of the OPERAS-P and TRIPLE projects, with the support of APEES; report by Lorena Caliman for the Hypotheses– OPERAS blog.