/ Research / General Project / Thíasos Cultural Association / Productions

Women in parliament

Debut: 20 April, 2005

Women in parliament by Aristophanes

Staging: José Luís Brandão

Translation: Maria de Fátima Silva


Because what is intended in Women in parliament is to adopt a new government strategy that revolutionises the clearly ineffective traditional parameters of Athenian political life, Aristophanes finds in this comedy an opportunity to parody again the maximum symbol of the democratic experience of his city: the assembly of the people. By resuming a theme that he had already developed in one of his oldest plays, Acharnians, Aristophanes allows us to see, a quarter of a century later, the profound changes that happened in Athenian life and, from a dramatic point of view, two distinct achievements of the same parodic motive. Maria de Fátima Silva

Production credits

Choreography: Carla Braz

Sound: Manuel Santos, Luís de Albuquerque

Wardrobe: Luísa de Nazaré Ferreira, Inês Santos

Lights and scenario: Carlos Santos

Make-up: Vítor Teixeira


Verónica Fachada (Praxagora)

José Luís Brandão (Blepyrus)

Delfim Leão (Chremes)

Carlos Jesus (Man)

Sónia Simões


Susana Bastos

Carla Braz

Natália Alves

Isabel dos Santos

Lia Nunes

Ândrea Seiça

Mariana Matias


Carla Marques

Ana Catarina Rodrigues