/ Research / General Project / Thíasos Cultural Association / Productions


Debut: 6 May, 2010

Hippolytus by Euripides

Staging: Carlos Jesus


Hippolytus’s drama is that of being tied to an oath of silence that prevents him from saving his own life. Chaste, he abhors the pleasures of the flesh, and for that very reason he will die. Because the refusal of Aphrodite, guarantor of cosmic order and renewal, is also a tremendous sin of the hybris, Hippolytus is by no means innocent. The excessive – because exclusive and exacerbated – veneration of Artemis, that soon cast him into an offensive and unnatural virginity, is as responsible for his death as the passion his stepmother feels for him. In the remaining side of this triangle is Theseus, enigmatic and truly tragic character who, returning to his palace, watches his unavoidable ruin. Over him hang old mistakes, and another one will be added – that of blindly trusting the dead wife not considering, at any time, his son’s innocence. The tragedy ends with the total annihilation of the three vertices of this triangle. Phaedra and Hippolytus die, but the king, with whom the play ends, is also a destroyed being, but to whom, nevertheless, is granted the gift of forgiveness.

Production credits

Stage manager: Cláudio Castro Filho

Support to the movement on scene: Leonor Barata ("OTeatrão")

Translation from the Greek: Frederico Lourenço

Lights: Chavanna Ferreira

Musical selection: Carlos Jesus

Wardrobe: Rosário Moura

Wardrobe execution: Dila Pato Cast


Ângela Leão

Ricardo Mocito

Bruno Fernandes

Andrea Seiça

José Luís Brandão

Stella Quandt

Lia Nunes

Ana Seiça Carvalho

Carla Correia

Erica Mascarenhas

Weberson Grizoste

Miguel Sena

Margarida Cardoso

Tânia Mendes

Gallery (c)Pedro Caldeira