
29 March, 2022
Plutarch. How should young people listen to poets?
28 March, 2022
The well-tempered Reason: On the Principle of Taste in Philosophy and Other Kantian Essays
18 February, 2022
Being Classical in Brasil: Literary Appropriations in Modernism and Post
21 January, 2022
Pausanias. Description of Greece. First Book
14 December, 2021
Witchcraft and Superstition in the Ancient Mediterranean
13 December, 2021
Parallel Lives. Cimon and Lucullus
24 November, 2021
Ilias Latina
23 November, 2021
Conimbriga Diripitur: Aspects of the later occupations of a ancient Roman town
01 October, 2021
Bucólicas de Vergílio
01 September, 2021
Eneida de Virgílio. Adaptada para Jovens
01 September, 2021
Memorabilia: o lado espacial da memória - na esteira de Merleau-Ponty
01 July, 2021
Química ao pé da letra
26 April, 2021
Table of the Senses & Senses of the Table: Vol. II
14 April, 2021
Rhetoric and Poetics
01 April, 2021
The fabrication of Alexander the Great: habilidade política e genialidade militar nas fontes antigas (336-331 AEC)
30 March, 2021
História Augusta. Vol. II: Lives of Helvio Pertinax, Didius Julianus, Severus, Pescenius Niger, Clodius Albinus, Antoninus Caracala, Antoninus Geta, Opellius Macrinus, Didadumnus Antoninus, Antoninus Heliogabalus
25 March, 2021
Argonautica. Books I and II. Literary Study, Translation and Notes
09 March, 2021
Table of the Senses & Senses of the Table: Vol. I
25 February, 2021
The Ideal Prince in the 16th Century and the work of Jerónimo Osório - 2nd edition
25 February, 2021
Greek Anthology. Sympothic and Satyrical Epigrams: (Book XI)
25 February, 2021
Plutarch. Parallel Lives: Aristides-Cato the Censor
03 February, 2021
Anónimo de Erfurt, Tratado do Amor Verdadeiro (Tractatus de Vero Amore)
30 January, 2021
Coimbra Aristotelian Jesuit Course. Tomus III: De Caelo – Part I
18 January, 2021
The Inaugural Speech of Royal College of Nobles (1766)
62 articles found