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Martinho Soares

Martinho Soares

Assistant Researcher at the University of Coimbra, under FCT’s Institutional Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus.

Integrated member of the Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies of the University of Coimbra.

Teaching activity in the areas of Greek and Latin (Initiation), Origins of Western Thought, and Greek and Roman Mythology.

Holder of a PhD in Poetics and Hermeneutics, his research focuses mainly on the crossroads of Philosophy with Classical Studies, in a first phase around the interpretation of time and its subthemes, such as history and fiction, with a growing interest on the interpretations of space and its subthemes (environment, place, landscape, and identity). Currently developing the FCT project "Reading nature as text: towards an environmental hermeneutics and spatial-identity awareness in Portuguese eco-culture".

Selected publications

Soares, M. (2021). “From Ricœurian Hermeneutics to Environmental Hermeneutics: Space, Landscape, and Interpretation”, Études Ricœuriennes / Ricœur Studies, 12(2), 85-101.

Soares, M. (2021). “O “Livro da Natureza” de Santo António ao Pe. António Vieira”. Ephata, 3(1), 57-94.

Soares, M. (2018). Logomaquia e a crítica à retórica democrática ateniense em Tucídides”. In B. B. Sebastiani, D. Leão, L. Sano, M. Soares, & C. Werner (Eds.). A poiesis da democracia (pp. 97-125). Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.

Soares, M. (2017). “Os prólogos de Heródoto e Tucídides: algumas considerações de âmbito filosófico e filológico”, Phoînix, 23, 89-107.

Soares, M. (2017). “Histoire et vérité chez Paul Ricœur et Thucydide: mimesis et enargeia”, Études Ricœuriennes/Ricœur Studies, 8 (1), 9-31.

Soares, M. (2016). “L’identité fragmentée chez Fernando Pessoa/Bernardo Soares à la lumière de la thèse de l’identité narrative de Paul Ricœur”. In P. Jesus, G. Marcelo, & J. Michel J. (Dirs.). Du moi au soi: variations phénoménologiques et herméneutiques (pp. 169-184). Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

Soares, M. (2017). História e ficção, em Paul Ricœur e Tucídides, Fundação Eng. António de Almeida.

Soares, M. (2013). Tempo, mythos e praxis: o diálogo entre Ricœur, S. Agostinho e Aristóteles, Fundação Eng. António de Almeida.

Soares, M. (2011). “A memória que herdámos dos gregos: da poesia, história e filosofia”. In J. P. Serra, H. Buescu, A. Nunes, & R. C. Fonseca (Eds.). Memória e Sabedoria (pp. 331-347). Húmus.