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Frederico Lourenço

Frederico Lourenço

Associate Professor with aggregation at FLUC, in Classical Studies, and member of the Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies of FLUC. PhD in Greek Literature (University of Lisbon, 1999) and Aggregation in the area of Greek teaching (University of Lisbon, 2006).

Teaching activity focused on the teaching of classical languages and literature.

Research covering the study and translation of Greek texts (namely Homer, the New Testament, and the Septuagint) and the production of instruments for the learning of classical languages.

Selected publications

- Lourenço. F. (2021), Bucólicas de Vergílio, Lisboa, Quetzal.

- Lourenço. F. (2020), Latim do Zero a Vergílio em 50 Lições, Lisboa, Quetzal.

- Lourenço, F. (2020), Poesia Grega de Hesíodo a Teócrito, Lisboa, Quetzal (edição bilíngue).

- Lourenço, F. (2019), Nova Gramática do Latim, Lisboa, Quetzal.

- Lourenço, F. (2011), The Lyric Metres of Euripidean Drama, Coimbra, Humanitas Supplementum.

- Lourenço, F. (2006), (org.), Ensaios sobre Píndaro, Lisboa, Cotovia.

- Lourenço, F. (2004), Grécia Revisitada: Ensaios sobre Cultura Grega, Lisboa, Cotovia.

- Lourenço, F. (2000), “Two Notes on Euripides’ Helen (186; 1472)”, Classical Quarterly 50, pp. 601-604.

- Lourenço, F. (2000), “An Interpolated Song in Euripides? Helen 229-52”, Journal of Hellenic Studies 120, pp. 132-139.