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Alexandre Agnolon

Alexandre Agnolon

Adjunct Professor of Classical Studies at the Institute of Human and Social Sciences of the Federal University of Ouro Preto (Minas Gerais, Brazil).

Full Professor of the post-graduate program in Letters: Language Studies (POSLETRAS) of the Federal University of Ouro Preto, linked to the Lines of Research: Language and Cultural Memory, and Translation and Discursive Practices.

Member of the Advisory and Deliberative Council of SBEC – Brazilian Society of Classical Studies.

Main research areas: study of Greek and Latin poetry, particularly the epigram, Roman lyric, and elegy, focusing on the presence of the Saturnalia in Martial's poetry and the Roman banquet in the poetic genres of convivial nature. Moreover, he is also interested in the study of rhetoric and poetics.

Selected publications

Agnolon, A., "O Artífice e o Poeta: Os Epigramas Plástico-Eróticos de Rufino e a Emulação nas Artes". CLASSICA, 2020 [no prelo]

Agnolon, A., "Discurso e Imagem, Ekphrasis e Retrato: Algumas Fontes Teóricas Antigas". HVMANITAS (Coimbra), v. 75, pp. 49-66, 2020.

Agnolon, A., "Crítica de Poesia e de Poetas em Am. 2. 6 de Ovídio." Cadernos de Letras da UFF, v. 28, pp. 271-286, 2018.

Agnolon, A., A Festa de Saturno: o Xênia e Apoforeta de Marcial. EDUSP (São Paulo), 2017.

Agnolon, A., O Catálogo das Mulheres: os epigramas misóginos de Marcial. Humanitas (São Paulo), 2010.