/ Education / Master

ReD Global

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM)

Religious Diversity in a Globalised World (ReD Global)

Religious Diversity in a Globalised World (ReD Global) is a two-year international master’s programme that has a unique focus on the role of religious identities and diversity, and their complex interplay with processes of globalisation. Its mission is:

To provide a stimulating, challenging and rewarding learning experience to its students, who will develop specialised knowledge and understanding of religious movements, identities, and diversity, and how such phenomena interact with wider social, cultural, political and economic environments, in both historical and contemporary contexts.

For more information, contact the Secretariat of the ReD-Global programme at red-global@rug.nl.

Should you prefer to be in touch with one of the Partner institutions? We recommend that you be in touch with the Directors of Study or Coordinators listed here.

The Curriculum - general

ReD Global is a full-time, presential, two-year master’s programme of, in total 120 academic credits, expressed in ECTS. The programme consists of four semesters. Upon successful completion of the programme, you will receive a master's degree from their first and second semester European hosts (Double Degree). In general:

  • You start at the first semester at University of Groningen, The Netherlands
  • You move to either the Universidad de Córdoba, Spain or Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, for your second semester (you indicate your preference for a second semester host with your application to ReD Global)
  • For the third semester, you choose to follow a “Research Track” or a “Professional Track": students who choose the Research Track follow courses at one of the ReD Global Partner Institutions; students who choose the professional track will do an internship at one of the ReD Global non-Academic Associated Partners (professional organisations)
  • You dedicate most of your fourth and final semester to the PhD proposal or policy paper. This may be carried out at the most suitable location, to be determined by you and your supervisors

Please note that all students, regardless of scholarship status, must spend a minimum of two semesters in two countries, which must be different from the country of residence at the time of enrolment. This means that if you are a Dutch, Spanish, or Portuguese student, you cannot spend your third semester in Groningen, Córdoba, or Coimbra respectively.

Call for applications is now open!

Between October and January of each year, ReD Global accepts applications for the prestigious Erasmus Mundus scholarship. Scholarship applicants must have already obtained a first higher education degree or demonstrate a recognized equivalent level of learning according to national rules and legislation in place by the application deadline. That means that scholarship applicants must hold a higher education degree by 15 January 2023 to start the programme in September 2023. Read more about eligibility for the scholarship here.

How To Apply