Lorelai Kury

[Open Class: Botanical utopias in the age of lights: new geography of the country of Cocanha, 11.12.2015]

PhD in History from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris (1995). Professor and full researcher of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and the Graduate Program in History of Sciences and Health of Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro.

Research, teaching, and publishing activities focused on: the history of scientific travel in the 18th and 19th centuries; history of scientific culture in Brazil; history and nature; circulation of knowledge.

Supervision of more than 20 completed masters, doctorate, and post-doctorate theses, and of 5 ongoing.

Selected Publications

“Botany in war and peace: France and the circulation of plants in Brazil (late eighteenth and early nineteenth century)”. Portuguese Journal of Social Science, v.16, p.7 - 19, 2017.

​“O naturalista Veloso”. Revista de História (USP), v.172, p.243 - 277, 2015.

(Organizadora) Representações da fauna no Brasil, séculos XVI-XX. Rio de Janeiro: Andrea Jakobsson Estúdio Editorial, 2014.

(Organizadora) Usos e circulação das plantas no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Andrea Jakobsson Estúdio, 2013.

“Les sciences utiles dans un journal encyclopédique : O Patriota (Rio de Janeiro, 1813-1814) ”. Cahiers de l'Institut de l'Histoire de la Révolution française, v.2, p.1 - 21, 2012.