Jean-Pierre Poulain

[Open Class to the Doctorate, 4.05.2018]

Socio-anthropologist, with a PhD from the University of Paris VII (1985). After 15 years of teaching at the Hotel School of Toulouse, pursued an academic career at the University of Toulouse, focused on Food Sociology and Food Studies.

Associate Professor in 1997 and Professor since 2007.

Within the CERTOP UMR-CNRS 5044 team, promotor, and coordinator of the research on the relationship between Food and Health Cultures.

Since 2012, holder of the Food Studies Chair, shared between the University of Toulouse (France) and Taylor's University (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).

Co-director of the Laboratoire International Associé (LIA-CNRS) "Food, Cultures and Health".

Selected Publications (in Portuguese)

Edmond Neirinck, Jean-Pierre Poulain, História da Cozinha e dos Cozinheiros. Colares Editora, Lisboa, 2000, 2ª ed. 2007.

Sociologias da Alimentação, Editorial UFSC, Florianópolis, 2004, 2ª ed. 2014.

Sociologia da Obesidade, SENAC, São Paulo, 2014.

“A gastronomização das cozinhas locais”, in Ellen Woortmann, Julie Cavignac, Ensaios sobre a Antropologia da alimentação, Editorial da UFRN, 2016.