Betânia Figueiredo

[Open Class: The construction of heritage in Brazil, 23.10.2015]

Full Professor at the Department of History of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Research, teaching, and publishing activities focused on the areas of history of culture, history of healing practices and museum organization.

Part of the Scientia/UFMG Group. Recently retired Professor of History at UFMG. Currently coordinator of Fino Traço Editora, a publishing house specialized in Humanities and Applied Social Sciences.

Supervisor of masters, doctorate, and post-doctorate theses at UFMG.

Selected Publications

A arte de curar: as práticas de cura nos século XIX em Minas Gerais (2008) (Fino Traço editora)

Dos gabinetes de curiosidade a museologia moderna (org) 2013 (Fino Traço editora)

Odontologia - História restaurada (2017) (Editora UFMG)