The Ideal Prince in the 16th Century and the work of Jerónimo Osório - 2nd edition

Nair de Nazaré Castro Soares

25 february, 2021≈ 2 min read


Nair de Nazaré Castro Soares


This work deals with the formation and integral education of the man invested in power or landlord, in the Renaissance, from its Classical sources. The influence of the standards of modern education initiated in Portugal with the Court of Avis, will gain importance in Portugal with D. João II, D. Manuel and D. João III. As a reference point for Humanistic Culture and Political Pedagogy in Portugal, the work of Jerónimo Osório, De regis institutione et disciplina, "Sobre a formação e educação do Rei", dedicated to D. Sebastião, in 1572, as well as Os Lusíadas de Camões, both published with the permission of the same inquisitorial censor, Bartolomeu Ferreira, is imposed. These works, one in neo-Latin and the other in Portuguese, which deal with themes in many coinciding aspects, are an inescapable reference of the Portugal of Five Hundred, a reflection of its culture and reality. The famous Bishop of Silves, Jerónimo Osório, the "Portuguese Cicero", author of the most important treatise on education in Portugal, for his culture, his international projection and his formative lesson on the integral man, is undoubtedly worthy of the prominence given to him in this work.

Publication Date

(2nd edition) 25 February 2021

(1st edition) September 1994

Available at Classica Digitalia Series