Editorial News

/ Editorial

18 June, 2024
Drawing Lots. From Egalitarianism to Democracy in Ancient Greece
03 May, 2024
The Transformation of Reason: Studies on System, Myth, and History in German Idealism
07 March, 2024
“Here we fought, sacred Greece to save”: A tribute do Luísa de Nazaré Ferreira - Volumes I & II
26 February, 2024
Ad Tenebras
14 December, 2023
Confronting Identities in the Roman Empire: Assumptions about the Other in Literary Evidence
04 December, 2023
KNOWING HOW TO BE. KNOW HOW TO DO. The intangible heritage of the Centre Region
27 November, 2023
Roman Identity and Contemporaneity
24 November, 2023
Timeu / Crítias
02 November, 2023
Horácio, Poesia Completa. Edição bilingue. Tradução e comentários
30 October, 2023
An Empire of many faces
12 October, 2023
Arte de Amar, de Ovídio. Tradução e anotações
30 June, 2023
Coimbra Aristotelian Jesuit Course. Tomus III: De Caelo – Part II
10 May, 2023
Pausanias. Description of Greece. Book 4
10 May, 2023
Cornelius Nepos. Lifes of Epaminondas, Cato and Atticus. Fragments
28 December, 2022
From food cultures to food cults
16 December, 2022
Choreological Studies (2016-2020): Early Dance and Music Contexts Authors
29 November, 2022
Miscelânea de Estudos em Honra de Maria de Fátima Sousa e Silva
08 November, 2022
Pausanias. Description of Greece. Book III
25 October, 2022
Ricœuriana 2: Ricœur and the Question of Image
01 October, 2022
Evangelhos Apócrifos Gregos e Latinos. Edição bilingue. Tradução e comentário
03 May, 2022
Pausanias. Description of Greece. Book II
02 May, 2022
Jesuit Coimbra Course: the Commentary on Aristotle's 'De Anima'
01 May, 2022
Virgílio, Eneida. Edição bilingue latim e português.
21 April, 2022
Obras de Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira X: Recensões Críticas, Notícias e Comentários
62 articles found for Editorial