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Carmen Soares [Scientific Coordinator]

Carmen Soares

Professor of Classical Studies at FLUC.

Researcher and Coordinator of the Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies of the University of Coimbra.

Research, teaching, and publishing activities developed in the areas of Classical Cultures, Literatures and Languages, History of Ancient Greece, and Food History.

Vice-director of the PhD in Classical Studies and one of the main directors of the “Textos Gregos” series, published by Coimbra University Press within Classica Digitalia, the specialized library maintained by the Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies. Member of the Board of Directors of the Iberian Society of Greek Philosophy, and Chair of the Research Committee of the European Institute for the History and Cultures of Food (Tours, France).

Research focused mainly on Greek historiography and political thought (particularly Herodotus and Plato), classical antiquity, Greek tragedy (mostly Euripides), and the themes of family, food, health, and diet.

Selected publications

Soares, C. (2021), "Comfort food in Homer", in Lazzari, T., Pucci Donati, F., A banchetto con gli amici. Roma.

Figueira, T., Soares, C. (eds.) (2020), Ethnicity and Identity in Herodotus. London.

Soares, C., Brandão, J. L., Carvalho, P. C. (coords.) (2018), História Antiga: Relações Interdisciplinares. Fontes, Artes, Filosofia, Política Religião e Receção. Coimbra.

Soares, C., Brandão, J. L., Carvalho, P. C. (coords.) (2018), História Antiga: Relações Interdisciplinares. Paisagens Urbanas, Rurais & Sociais. Coimbra.

Soares, C. (2018), "Monarcas persas nas Histórias de Heródoto: lei e liberdade, fundamentos da ideologia monárquica", in Arqueologias de Império, 221-235. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2018

Soares, C. (2018), "Democracia: as controvérsias de uma “maravilha” da historiografia herodotiana", in Sebastiani, B. et alii, A poiesis da democracia, Coimbra, 23-45.

Soares, C. (2018), “I messaggeri di Euripide, come narratori di orrori”, in Leranò, G., Taravacci, P., Il racconto a teatro. Dal dramma antico al Siglo de Oro alla scena contemporanea, Trento, 77-88.

Soares, C., Casadesús Bordoy, F., Fialho, M. C. (coords.) (2016),Redes Culturais nos Primórdios da Europa - 2400 Anos da Fundação da Academia de Platão. Coimbra.

Soares, C., Fialho, M. C., Figueira, T. (coords.) (2016), Pólis/Cosmópolis: identidades globais & locais. Coimbra.

Soares, C. (2014), "Dress and Undress in Herodotus’ Histories". Phoenix 68 3-4: 222-234.

Soares, C. (2014), ""Theoria" e "praxis" política em Heródoto", Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios griegos e indoeuropeos 24: 57-79.

Soares, C. (2013), "Childhood and Youth", in Beck, M., A Companion to Plutarch, Oxford, 373-390