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Manuel Lopes de Almeida

Under preparation

Library of Doctor Manuel Lopes de Almeida

Interim Director of the University Archives and Director of the General Library between 2 March 1945 and 16 August 1970, Manuel Lopes de Almeida was responsible for the remodeling and installation of the Library in the new building where it is located today, and also for an intense editorial activity, including the founding of the Acta Universitatis Conimbrigensis.

During his directorship the Libraries of Dr. Pedro de Moura e Sá and Visconde da Trindade were acquired, the invaluable documentation from the University Press, part of which dates back to the 17th century, was incorporated into the Manuscripts Section (recently returned to the Archive of the University of Coimbra), and the Catalogs of Manuscripts and Miscellaneous Works, as well as the “Bulletin” were published, among others.

His library was acquired by BGUC in 1981. It is deposited in a room bearing his name, and it consists of monographs and carefully selected periodical publications, exquisitely bound by the most skilled bookbinders from Coimbra and Lisbon.