/ Services / Special Collections

Manuel Joaquim

Under preparation

Library of Lieutenant Manuel Joaquim

The specialized library that belonged to musicologist lieutenant Manuel Joaquim was acquired by purchase in 1994.

It is an important collection of profane and sacred music, editions from the 16th, 17th and 18th century, facsimile editions, reissues of old national and foreign musical works accompanied by specific studies. It also include musical treatises, scores, librettos, biographies, encyclopedias, dictionaries, catalogues, reprints, periodical publications, among others.

In this set, an important codex of Iberian instrumental music from the first half of 17th century has already been identified, and it has been made known by Paulo Estudante. It contains several unpublished works and is the main source for knowledge of compositions by the crúzio Fr. Agostinho da Cruz (ca. 1590-1633). Once bibliographic records and definitive deposit are concluded, other important discoveries can be expected in this vast and “polyphonic” set.