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José Vicente Gomes de Moura (Abraveia)

Under preparation

José Vicente Gomes de Moura Collection

Father José Vicente Gomes de Moura was born in Mouronho in 1769 and died in Abraveia (Poiares) in 1854. He was a professor of Latin and Greek at the University of Coimbra and at the College of Arts, and director of the University Press from 1831 to 1834.

It is known that he was the author of the following three textbooks for the teaching of Latin: Notícia succinta dos monumentos da língua latina; As taboas de declinação e conjugação para aprender as línguas hespanhola, italiana e franceza; O compendio da grammatica latina e portugueza, granting the copyright to the University Press.

This collection consists mostly of around 1800 monographs from the 16th to the 19th century.