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Coimbra Institute

Under preparation (partially available)

Instituto de Coimbra Document Collection and Júlio Castilho Archive

The Coimbra Institute, an Academy founded in 1852, was dedicated to the development of Sciences, Letters and Arts, including among its members figures of great national and international prestige, such as Bernardino Machado, Sidónio Pais, Almeida Garrett, Alexandre Herculano, Egas Moniz, Vitorino Nemésio, Eugénio de Castro, among others.

The Coimbra Institute's collection includes its own editions, namely the volumes of O Instituto: Revista Científica e Literária, a Manuscript Archive and its own library.

The literary collection of the former Institute of Coimbra was integrated into the General Library of the University of Coimbra in 2005. In July 2008, a project began that aimed to carry out the inventory and bibliographic treatment of its approximately 20 thousand volumes.

The project was funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.

The archive of Júlio Castilho is also available in this collection.