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Belisário Pimenta

Under preparation

Library and personal papers of Colonel Belisário Pimenta

A career military, Belisário Maria Bustorf da Silva Pinto Correia Pimenta was born in Coimbra on October 3, 1879. He dedicated himself to studying military history and local history, collaborating in several publications of the University of Coimbra and of the General Library itself, in addition to having published many other works for which he carried out extensive research in this Library, particularly on existing manuscripts.

His personal papers, made up of his manuscripts, also includes memoirs, various correspondence, descriptions of tours, a vast set of monographs and periodical publications, epistolography, various documentation, his files, collections of engravings, old newspapers, stamps, ex-libris and photographs. Belisário Pimenta was a precocious and passionate photographer at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century. His archive is inventoried and handwritten. It was donated by will to BGUC in 1982, having been incorporated in 1990, and opened according to the donor's instructions, on 13 April 1992.