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Armando Cortesão


Armando Cortesão Collection

The correspondence of the cartography historian Doctor Armando Cortesão was entered into the BGUC by his own hand, on April 28th and October 11th, 1972. It has already been catalogued and is available for consultation.

It is, in his words, a set of letters “from scholars and learned persons, mainly cartography and/or nautical historians, especially foreigners” that will have the greatest relevance for studies in the history of science. It clarifies many of the in-depth searches for Portuguese cartographic sources carried out by Armando Cortesão in foreign libraries and archives, including, for example, the history of the publication of the volumes of the Portugaliae Monumenta Cartographica, commissioned by the regime in 1954 and published from 1960 onwards.

The University of Coimbra made Armando Cortesão its Doctor “Honoris causa” and the General Library was the publisher of several of his works: Cartas de Londres 1941-1949, two volumes of Esparsos and A Suma Oriental de Tomé Pires e o Livro de Francisco Rodrigues.


Publication of 73 letters from Jaime Cortesão’s correspondence with his younger brother Armando Cortesão. They cover a significant part (1933 to 1941) of the exiles of these two Portuguese historians and antifascists. The correspondence is in the personal archive of Armando Cortesão, incorpora-ted to BGUC in 2009, with the shelf-number Ms.AC.

A. E. Maia do Amaral, «Jaime Cortesão, correspondência de exílio para o irmão Armando», Boletim da Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra: Vol. 50 (2020): 101-215.