/ 2024/2025 Bachelor's and Integrated Master’s Degrees

Holders of other Higher Education Degrees

The information concerning the 2024/2025 academic year is currently being updated.

The applications by means of the Special Contest for Holders of other Higher Education Degrees enables holders of other higher degree courses to enrol an register for Bachelor's and Integrated Master's Degree Courses.

Applicants by means of the Special Contest for Holders of other Higher Education Degrees to a Bachelor's or Integrated Master's Degree Course at the University of Coimbra may be the ones who, cumulatively, meet the following conditions:

  • Holders of a Baccalaureate, Bachelor's, Master's or PhD degree;
  • Applicants that meet the admission requirements established by the opening notice of the course;
  • Applicants that meet the pre-requisites, whenever they are required by the course;
  • Holders of the extinct couses of the Magistério Primário, Kindergarten Teachers, and General Nursing courses that ascertain, simultaneously, that they hold a secondary education degree, a secondary education complementary course or the 10th/11th year of school, may apply within the scope of this special contest;
  • Applicants that are not covered by the international student status.

To check the Calendar and Opening Notice of the course you want, please select the respective Faculty.