Worlds of Cultural Heritage(s) aims to contribute to the ongoing international debates about the history and politics of cultural heritage. Addressing the most vital conceptual and methodological critical assessments of the ways in which Cultural Heritage Studies can evolve as a discipline and dialogue with others, the conference aspires to provide a global empirical engagement with the history of its languages and programs, but also with its place in international agendas.

Ambe Njoh | University of South Florida (keynote)
Laurajane Smith | Australian National University (keynote)
Margarida Calafate Ribeiro | CES & III, University of Coimbra
Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo | CES & III, University of Coimbra
Wallace Chang | University of Hong Kong (keynote)
Walter Rossa | DARQ, CES & III, University of Coimbra

Nuno Lopes
| DARQ, CES & III, University of Coimbra
Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo | CES & III, University of Coimbra
Walter Rossa | DARQ, CES & III, University of Coimbra


7 February

09.00 Opening Session
09.30-10.30 Keynote: Laurajane Smith | Critical Heritage Studies: challenges
10.30-12.00 Session 1: Anthropology and Ethnicity | Moderator: Margarida Calafate Ribeiro
Filip Petkovski & Luiza Beloti Abi Saab | Dance as Intangible Cultural Heritage Through a Critical Lense
Salwa Castelo-Branco | Cante as Heritage: The Sonic Representation of Alentejo, Portugal
Simone de Boer | Nomadic pasts as futures: heritage tourism in Kyrgyzstan
Solange Macamo | The Manyikeni and Chibuene archaeological sites, Mozambique: Prospects for their conservation and management
12.00-13.30 Lunch
13.30-15.00 Session 2: Heritage Policies | Moderator: António Sousa Ribeiro
Idalina Conde | Europe and Cultural Heritage at large: Recalling global dimensions
Jens Hougaard | The built heritage of Mozambique Island in dispute. Competing interpretations and development strategies at Mozambique Island
Marta Wieczorek | The Ruin Problem: Negotiating Cultural Heritage in Macau
Nick Naumov | Ancient City of Nessebar: Politics of World Heritage and Tourism in socialist and post-socialist Bulgaria
15.00-16.30 Session 3: Sustainable Development Goals | Moderator: Ambe Njoh
Anna Marta Marini | The US-Mexico borderlands heritage and the wall: a critical approach to a complex and revived challenge
Evan Ward | The United States, Sustainability, and Cultural Heritage at Tikal, Guatemala
Leonor Medeiros | Heritage-led Development – a Systemic Approach
Maria Mercone | The Forclusion of the Italian Colonial Experience: Postcolonial Memory and Modernist Urban Heritage in Asmara
16.30-18.00 Session 4: Heritage Studies | Moderator: Laurajane Smith
Anca Claudia Prodan | Theory and Theorical Gaps in Heritage Studies
Ariel Sophia Bardi | When Pasts Overlap: Cultural Heritage at a Crossroads
Barbara Eggert, Elisabetta Meneghini & Peter Strasser | Outstanding!? Critical thoughts on (inter)national certificates and cultures of certification concerning monuments and museums
Marlen Meissner | Heritage as Cultural Capital: A Bourdieusian Perspective on the Connection of Intangible Cultural Heritage with Sustainable Development in the Context of UNESCO’s 2003 Convention
18.00-18.30 Break
18.30-19.30 Keynote: Wallace Chang | Human Landscape: an evolving cultural perspective on the Pearl River Delta
20.00 Conference dinner

8 February

09.30-11.00 Session 5: Urban Conservation/Rehabilitation | Moderator: Wallace Chang
Andréa da Rosa Sampaio | Revisiting the urban rehabilitation processes of Bologna and Porto: lessons for the contemporary debate on urban heritage
Antonieta Reis Leite | Angra 1980-2014. UNESCO Intervention, official history and politics preservation
Evelyn Lima & Leonardo Mesentier | Rio de Janeiro´s historical centre and adjacent neighbourhoods: challenges of urban
policy towards the preservation of the built cultural heritage

Jay Allen Villapando | The Privileged Centre: The Authorized Heritage Discourse and Urban Space in a Philippine Town
Lui Tam | Something more than a monument – the survival and long-term sustainability of historic timber architectural heritage
in China

11.00-12.30 Session 6: Colonial Architecture and Urbanism | Moderator: José António Bandeirinha
Beatriz Serrazina | Industrial colonial heritage – shared and transnational?
Marcela Santana | Cultural landscape and contemporary city: the concept of landscape applied to urban policies in Rio de Janeiro
Obafemi Olukoya | Colonial Contact and the Image of Built Vernacular Heritage in Postcolonial Societies: The Nigeria Experience
Shraddha Bhatawadekar |Beyond Colonial History & Politics of Heritage: Exploring the Significance of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, World Heritage Site, Mumbai
Sílvia Leiria Viegas | Cultural Heritage(s) and the Right to the City
12.30-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.00 Keynote: Ambe Njoh | Toponymic Inscription as an Instrument of power in the French colonial enterprise: case study of Indochina and Africa
15.00-16.00 Concluding debate

Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and Centre for Social Studies
University of Coimbra
Phone: +351 239 855 570/80
Address: Colégio da Graça, Rua da Sofia, 136
3000-385 Coimbra

Offered by the University of Coimbra since 2010, Heritages of Portuguese Influence is an international doctoral programme since 2012. With an interdisciplinary nature and scope, it studies the cultural heritages of the communities and territories that were influenced by the Portuguese diasporas, focusing on landscape and language, the cornerstones of living heritages. Mobilizing approaches coming from Architecture, Urbanism, Cultural Studies, Arts and History, it provides a multidisciplinary and multifaceted assessment of heritage as a cultural as well as a political argument and practice, placing its history and its potential as a tool for sustainable development at the forefront of all enquiries.

Programa (424 kB)