Patrimónios de Influência Portuguesa | Heritages of Portuguese Influence – With the patronage of the Center for the History of Society and Culture.

16 March – “The (IN)sustainability of Heritage: Culture, Cooperation, Developmento”

14:30 opening
João Ramalho Santos, Vice-Rector for Research and Director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research of the University of Coimbra

14:45 keynote
“Rethinking Heritage for Sustainable Development”
Sophia Labadi, Department of Classical and Archaeological Studies, University of Kent

15:45 workshop
“Amazonia(s): diversity, heritage and development in Acre (Brazil)?”
Anselmo Gonçalves da Silva, Ph.D. candidate in Contemporary Studies, IIIUC

“Sustainable rehabilitation of vernacular constructions: opportunities, challenges and case studies”
Catarina Mouraz, Ph.D. candidate in Civil Engineering, FCTUC

“Challenges and prospects for the management of the urban heritage of Portuguese influence”
Marcela Santana, PhD in Heritages of Portuguese Inuence, IIIUC. Aix Marseille Université

16:45 break

17:00 round-table
“Problems, Diagnosis, Orientations”
. chair Walter Rossa
. Ana Mª Sánchez Salcedo, AECID Cooperation Team in Culture and Cultural Heritage for Development
. António Torres, Head of Division for Bilateral Affairs, Camões Institute of Cooperation and Language
. Maria Hermínia Cabral, Director of Partnerships for Development, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

18:30 closure

17 March – “Shared Heritages, Contested Heritages”

14:00 opening
“The University and the Inquisition: history and memory”
José Pedro Paiva, Director of the Centre for the History of Society and Culture

14:45 workshop
“The memorial landscape of the Portuguese colonial war. Whose heritage(ies)?”
André Caiado, Ph.D. candidate in Heritages of Portuguese Inuence (Cultural Studies branch)

“Resilience and (de)coloniality: the genealogies of spatial sedimentation in Diamang, Angola”
Beatriz Serrazina, Ph.D. candidate in Heritages of Portuguese Inuence (Architecture and Urbanism branch)

“Informal heritage in an “Afropolis”: the case of Maputo”
Nuno Gonçalves, Ph.D. candidate in Heritages of Portuguese Inuence (Architecture and Urbanism branch)

15:45 round-table
“Problems, Diagnosis, Orientations II”
. chair Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo
. Leonardo Mesentier, School of Architecture, Federal Fluminense University
. Paul Lane, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge
. Sybille Frank, Institut für Soziologie, TUD Darmstadt

17:15 break

17:30 book release
“Other layers of Cultural Heritage: history and politics”
ed. N.M. Lopes, W. Rossa & M.B. Jerónimo

18:15 Concluding remarks

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