A Palestra “Historiographical Limits and the Challenges of Studying Christian Missions in Imperial Times” de Hugo Gonçalves Dores (docente do DPIP), terá lugar na Universidade de São José, em Macao, no dia 29 de Março de 2017, pelas 18h30m locais.

The intention of Hugo Dores’ presentation is to question the limits posed by traditional and widely popular perceptions on historical events, usually determined by simplistic or biased explanations of multi-layered and multi-directional historical processes, as was the case of the missionary presence in colonial contexts. Beyond these limits lay many of the challenges of studying this subject. Based in a research centered in the dynamic relations between imperial powers and missionary activities and goals in the so-called third Portuguese colonial empire, during the Scramble for Africa, this communication will focus three main aspects. Firstly, the research paths traced throughout an academic project, highlighting casual difficulties and ongoing discussions; secondly, the historiographical perspectives approached in the research, such as imperialism, transnationalism and internationalism; and finally, the centrality of archival sources in any historical study and its importance to tackle misconceptions in History.

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