/ Mobilidades

Pan-European Seal Professional Traineeship Programme

Looking to kick-start your career at an international organisation?

This traineeship program provides young graduates and high-performance university students, in their final year of studies (Bachelor, Master or Ph.D.), with access to at least 12-month paid traineeships at the EPO, in Munich, Germany, or at the EUIPO, in Alicante, Spain, contributing to their insertion in the competitive world of IP through an enriching multicultural professional experience, advanced training and teamwork.

This programme is open exclusively to top graduates from university partners within the Pan-European Seal network, with more than 100 opportunities available each year.

Pan-European Seal at the EPO 2024-2025

EUIPO Traineeship

More information:




Programa Pan-European Seal Professional Traineeship 2024

Resultados da pré-seleção na UC

Os candidatos admitidos devem candidatar-se diretamente ao EPO ou EUIPO, conforme escolha efetuada previamente e indicada na tabela dos resultados:


candidaturas até dia 15 de março de 2024

Informação e candidatura


candidaturas ainda sem data definida

Informações e contacto

Candidaturas na UC até 11 de fevereiro de 2024

Contacto: dri.scholarships@uc.pt