Erasmus ICM.UC 2020-2023

ICM.UC Algeria, Tunisia and Ukraine is a three-year project (2020-2023) coordinated by the University of Coimbra (UC), Portugal, gathering 6 higher education institutions from 3 countries (Algeria, Tunisia and Ukraine). There are 31 grants available for students and academic staff from UC and project partner institutions.

Project Coordinator

University of Coimbra, Portugal
International Relations Unit
email: icm@uc.pt

Project Partner Institutions


Université d'Annaba
Vice-Rectorate for External Relations
email: vr.relex@univ-annaba.dz

Safia Alleg, Professor
email: safia_alleg@yahoo.fr, safia.alleg@univ-annaba.dz

Université de Biskra
Mohammed MOUMMI, Erasmus+ Officer
email: mohamed.moummi@univ-biskra.dz


Faculty of Science, University of Sfax

Fatma Ghorbel, International Cooperation
email: fatma.ghorbel@usf.tn

Khaled Walha, Professor
email: walha.khaled@yahoo.com

Mediterranean Institute of Technology
Tracy Olson-BenRhouma, SMU Head of International Programs
email: tracy.olson@smu.tn

Université de Sousse
Latifa KECHICHE, Head of International Office
email: latifakechiche1@gmail.com


Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
Department of International Relations
email: tetiana.tkachova@nure.ua

Oleksandra Yeremenko
Position: Professor of the V.V. Popovskyy Department of Infocommunication Engineering
email: oleksandra.yeremenko@nure.ua


EU individual support

Students from Algeria, Tunisia and Ukraine 850 EUR/month
Students from Portugal 700 EUR/month
Academic staff from Algeria, Tunisia and Ukraine 160 EUR/day
Academic staff from Portugal 180 EUR/day

EU travel support (all grantees)

From/ to Algeria and Tunisia: 275 EUR

From/ to Ukraine: 530 EUR

Insurance (all grantees)

The insurance coverage must include travel, medical assistance, accident, civic liability and repatriation for the duration of the stay. It must be purchased by the grantee and it is eligible for reimbursement up to 250 EUR, upon presentation of original receipt and copy of the insurance certificate.

Number and duration of the scholarships

Mobility dates

Mobility can take place as from February 2021 until 31 July 2023 (academic years: 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23), provided that an ICM inter-institutional agreement has been signed between the coordinator institution and the project partner institutions and students and staff have been selected.

Application and selection

Interested students and academic staff must be studying or working at a project partner institution. Students and staff’s nationality must be different from the one of the host country they choose for mobility.

The application to the scholarship is done at students and staff home institution. This institution is responsible for organizing a public call and selecting the students and staff that will participate in the mobility.

The selection of the participants (as well as the scholarship allocation procedure) must be fair, transparent, coherent and documented and shall be made available to all parties involved in the selection process.

The institutions shall take the necessary measures to prevent any conflict of interest with regard to persons who may be invited to take part in the selection bodies or process of participants’ selection.


The selection criteria - such as for example: the academic performance of the candidate, the previous mobility experiences, the motivation, the previous experience in the receiving country (i.e. return to country of origin) etc. - shall be made public. The first criterion for selecting students will be academic merit, but with equivalent academic level, preference should be assigned to students from less advantaged socio-economic backgrounds (including refugees, asylum seekers and migrants). Lower priority will be given to those who have already participated in mobility actions in the same study cycle under the Erasmus+ Programme, as grant holders.

Academic staff

The selection criteria (for example priority given to staff going abroad for the first time, limitation on the possible number of mobility activities per staff member during a given time period, etc.) shall be made public.

The selection of the academic staff shall be done by their home institution taking into consideration the proposed mobility programme agreed between the applicant and the host institution.

Communication of results and allocation of grants

At the end of each student and staff selection process, results are made available to the applicants and the home institutions send the ranked list of selected participants to the project coordinator institution (University of Coimbra), via email to icm@uc.pt, with copy to the host institutions.

The project coordinator institution will be responsible for the allocation of the scholarships taking into consideration the ranked lists of participants.

Mobility organization

The project coordinator institution will contact the selected participants to inform them about the steps to receive the scholarship and perform the mobility, including the submission of Erasmus forms for teaching and training (academic staff), application, enrolment and registration in studies/ traineeships (students).

Each host university is free to ask the completion and submission of its own, additional forms of registration/ enrolment of students and academics under the ICM project.

Each host university must guarantee the quality of the mobility period and provide information and the necessary support to the students and staff participating in the mobility, namely practical and logistic information about accommodation options, transports, living costs, visas and other legal procedures, facilities, study and research resources, and local support services.

ICM.UC Algeria, Tunisia and Ukraine