/ Investigação / Projetos complementares / Classics & Open Science / Atividades realizadas

Apresentações do trabalho desenvolvido em conferências/workshops

Delfim Leão & Susanna Fiorini: 28 February 2024 (Verkossa, on-line): “OPERAS translation platform”, no âmbito do “DIAMAS Webinar on Multilingualism” [https://vastuullinentiede.fi/en/news/diamas-webinar-multilingualism-presentations-and-recording].

Delfim Leão & Lorena Caliman: 23 de October 2023 (Coimbra, Rómulo): meeting “Comunidades de Ciência Aberta no Rómulo”, organized by the University of Coimbra - Department of Culture, Communication and Open Science, as part of the celebrations of the International Open Access Week [member of the Organizing Committee] [https://www.uc.pt/openscience/noticias/uc-realiza-evento-de-integracao-da-sua-comunidade-de-ciencia-aberta/]

Delfim Leão, Susana Marques & Sara Troiani: March 10, 2023 (Coimbra, FLUC): International Meeting “Teatro Antigo, receção dos clássicos e recursos digitais”, organized in the scope of the complementary projects "Classics & Open Science" and "(Re)writing Myth".

Delfim Leão: March 10 2023 (Coimbra, CECH): “The ‘Classics & Open Science’ project: making Classics accessible to all”, International Meeting “Teatro Antigo, receção dos clássicos e recursos digitais”, organized in the scope of the complementary projects "Classics & Open Science" and "(Re)writing Myth".

Delfim Leão: March 30 2023 (Cádiz, Universidad de Cádiz): thematic table about “El español en la ciencia y la edición académica iberoamericana”, part of the “IX Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española (CILE), organiozed by Instituto Cervantes and by the Real Academia Española, in partnership with the Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española.

Delfim Leão: 8 de março de 2023 (Maputo, Fundo Nacional de Investigação Científica de Moçambique, sessão on-line): “Remomendações da UNESCO para a Ciência Aberta: construir consensos sobre um Bem Comum”, no âmbito das “13as Jornadas Científicas e Tecnológicas de Moçambique”, promovidas pelo Fundo Nacional de Investigação Científica de Moçambique, a 8e 9 de março de 2023

Delfim Leão: 25 de janeiro de 2023 (Bruxelas, OPERAS, sessão on-line): “The Multilingualism SIG experience”, no âmbito dos seminários “Mutual Learning Exercise: From an idea to... a funded project? a service?”, promovidos pelos Special Interest Groups (SIG) do consórcio OPERAS.

Lorena Caliman (session leader & organizer), Isabel Gouveia (moderator) & Nelson Ferreira (session leader): 15 June 2022 (virtual event): TRIPLE ThatCamp#2, “Scientific Crowdfunding in the Social Sciences and Humanities”.

Isabel Gouveia: 21 June 2022 (virtual event): participation on the training session on Copyright and Academia in the Digital Era, organised by the TRIPLE Consortium.Sara Troiani: 8 June 2022: "Archiving the ephemeral. The project ‘Thespis - CECH’, a digital archive of classical performances in Portugal", at 1st Student Forum on Classical and Humanistic Studies.

Lorena Caliman & Isabel Gouveia: 26 May 2022 (online): translation English-Portuguese of the Think. Check. Submit book section.

Lorena Caliman (task force/organization member): 24 May 2022 (virtual event, Zoom): OPERAS Crowdfunding Workshop.

Delfim Leão: 8 February 2022 (Paris, online meeting): participation in the round table “Multilingual Accessibility (Discoverability) of Scientific Content”, at the forum “Innovation, Technology and Plurilingualism Foum”, organised by the French Presidency of the European Commission [invited speaker].

Daniela Pereira: 3 December 2021 (Coimbra): Open Class of the MA in Classical Studies, "Ferramentas de pesquisa bibliográfica online em Estudos Clássicos UC, FLUC e CECH".

Nelson H. da Silva Ferreira: 8-10 & 15-16 November 2021 (virtual event): participation, as researcher on using vocabularies and databases, on the GoTriple Hackaton, organised by TRIPLE partner EKT. Contribution to the assessment of the vocabulary in Portuguese of the GoTriple platform and its viability regarding its mapping to the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH).

Nelson H. S. Ferreira: 22 november 2021 (Virtual Event) participation in ‘Talk GoTriple: The single entry point for the social sciences and humanities into the EOSC (Emilie Blotière, Huma-Num)’ with presentation for Portuguese language users in 1st TRIPLE International Conference. Empowering Discovery in Open Social Sciences and Humanities, Biblioteka Gdanska Polskiej Akademii Nauk.

Nelson H. da Silva Ferreira: 23 november 2021 (virtual event) participation in ‘Talk — How to create a social sciences and humanities (SSH) vocabulary: The GoTriple Hackathon example (Iraklis Katsaloulis, EKT and Cezary Rosiński, IBL-PAN) with presentation of Hackathon results regarding tests on Library of Congress Subject Headings in 1st TRIPLE International Conference (Virtual Event). Empowering Discovery in Open Social Sciences and Humanities, Biblioteka Gdanska Polskiej Akademii Nauk.

Delfim Leão: 29 November 2021 (OPERAS, online meeting): presentation “Multilingualism”, at the event “OPERAS Reviewathon of the Special Interest Groups White Papers – Workshop Series” [invited speaker].

Delfim Leão: 22 November 2021 (Université libre de Bruxelles, online meeting): presentation “Multilingualism in SSH journals: pending issues and future challenges”, at the event “First European Symposium of SSH Journals” [invited speaker]

Lorena Caliman & Isabel Gouveia: 17 November 2021 (GoTriple Platform): Design and recording of the “GoTriple disciplines video English-Portuguese”.

Delfim Leão: 17 November 2021 (The Arctic University of Norway, online meeting): presentation “Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication: main findings and future challenges”, at the event “The Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing” [invited speaker]

Isabel Gouveia: 8-10 & 15-16 November 2021 (virtual event): participation, as librarian and specialist on managing vocabularies, on the GoTriple Hackaton, organised by TRIPLE partner EKT. Contribution to the assessment of the vocabulary in Portuguese of the GoTriple platform and its viability regarding its mapping to the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH).

Delfim Leão: 9 November 2021 (Ciudad de México, online meeting): presentation “Ciencia Abierta y Multilingüismo: el cambio de paradigma”, at the event “I Encuentro Internacional de Profesionales de las Ciencias Farmacéuticas”e “I Encuentro Internacional de Academias Farmacéuticas” [invited speaker]

Delfim Leão: 26 April 2021 (Max Weber Stiftung, online meeting): “Focus on the Special Interest Group Multilingualism”, presented at the panel “Eine community-basierte Infrastruktur – Einblicke und Herausforderungen/ A community-based infrastructure – insights and challenges” at the workshop Networking the Networks – Opening OPERAS-GER

Delfim Leão & Lorena Caliman: 22 April 2021 (Coimbra, online session): workshop “Publishers and Publishing Stances: a Contribution to Multilingualism and Bibliodiversity”, promoted by the Special Interest Groups on "Multilingualism" and "Advocacy", in the framework of the OPERAS-P and TRIPLE projects, with the support of APEES; report by Lorena Caliman for the Hypotheses– OPERAS blog”.